The Test

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As the kids sleep they all had the same dream about a huge dark figure.
" four can't defeat me I will steal your souls and take all magic for myself you will all obey me very soon, hahaha." Laughed the dark figure viciously
"Stop, you aren't strong enough to take down the elemental masters."yelled Luna
"Hahaha, don't make me laugh little girl, you four can't stop me I'm Zenith the destroyer." Yelled the dark figure
As Zenith threw his fist at Luna, Andy made a waterfall in front of Luna to protect her.
"Sapphire we need to get Tim away from Zenith." Andy said in a panic
"Got it, Luna, Andy distract Zenith, Darick and I will get Tim down." Sapphire said
Then Zenith grabbed the ground and made it shake, the kids all fell, when....
"Whoa,that was a weird dream." The kids said while waking up
The kids got up and got ready for school, then waited for each other outside the apartment building.
"Hey,guys I had a wierd dream yesterday, it was about us and a dark shadow named Zenith." Said Andy
"Me too." The rest said together
"Hmmm, strange we all had the same dream and perhaps did you guys have your elemental magics." Asked Sapphire
"Yeah." Answered everyone
"Also, Tim was involved,but why did that evil creature have my little brother." Asked Andy
"I don't know....ahh guys we're going to be late lets hurry." Noticed Luna
As the kids run to school they don't notice that they're being watched by Zenith, the shadow figure in their dream.
"W...w..we made it, sorry we ran all the way here, we're tired." Panted the kids
"Aww you made it, come time to have your DNA test." Said Mr. Fin
"Wait how are you going to get our DNA for the test?"asked Andy
"Well..." started Mr. Fin
"See they take your blood and scan it for magic blood cells, which is very blue." Said Sapphire
"That's right, thanks Sapphire." Said Mr. Fin
As the nurse took samples from each and every one of them. Andy got curious.
"How do they tell which magical you have." Asked Andy
"Well the magic cells make certain patterns that we will learn in biology next year." Said Sapphire
"Oh, thanks for the explanation Sapphire." Thanked Andy
For three hours the kids waited for their results.
"Um.. kids we need to talk to you it's urgent." Said the nurse
"Wonder why the need us?" Thought Darick
"Ok, kids seems like your cells have an ancient. pattern." Said Principle Newman
"What do you mean, ancient?" Darick asked
" you guys know of the elemental masters?" Asked principle Newman
"No sir we don't." Replied Sapphire
"Well actually I do." Said Luna
"Well tell us who they were." Commanded Andy

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