M2-Part XII

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"Footage from the last 24 hours up until now," the detective said to them as soon as the hallway of the hostel's third floor appeared on the screen and then the entrance, stairway and also the lavatory appeared on the screen making a four display. The play back had lasted for about 4 minutes when Mr. Parker joined them in the office; he remained silent, watching the random movements of students across the hostel.

"Fast forward to this morning," Mr. Parker said to the detective causing him to turn to the professor with a questioning look, "do it."

The movements of the students on the screen went into a fast motion for a moment until the entire hallway, entrance, stairway and lavatory was empty. Henry's heart skipped a beat the moment something walked through the hallway in a flash, causing Chris's heart to leap and Kendrick to gasp.

"Take it back slowly," Professor Parker urged. The display was rewind until the thing flashed past in backward motion again and then the hallway was empty again. All of a sudden, the dim room seemed to be darker in Chris' eye, causing breathing to become even harder to him. Henry braced himself as he watched a student come out of his room and then stand motionless in the hall way before walking in the direction of the lavatory. Kendrick shook his head,

"I can't watch this," he mumbled and then rose to leave the office.

Detective Maloney zoomed in on the lavatory the moment the student disappeared from the hallway's view. The door opened and he walked through into one of the toilets and nothing else happened again for the next few minutes that followed. The detective fast forwarded it to the next 30 minutes, still nothing and then later on came Kendrick forcing his way into the lavatory.

"Can someone explain what happened there?" the V.C asked, absolutely confused about the whole scenario. The detective heaved as he paused the play back.

"Whoever did this has somebody on the inside," Detective Miles said from the window while opening the blinds, "someone with a really good tech. savvy."

"How did you two get into the force?" Chris prompted, looking up at the two detectives with a raised eyebrow, "or you just haven't had your coffee this morning?"

"Excuse me?" Detective Miles said, quite astounded at the rudeness of that remark.

"Why can't you just see this yet?" Henry added, sounding quite frustrated as he held his head between his hands, "HE. IS. NOT. HUMAN," Henry said as he gestured at the paused playback.

"Gentlemen, I think your service here is done," Detective Maloney said, pointing at the door.

"I think you should listen to them," Mr. Parker finally spoke, his hands crossed over his shoulder.

"What?" the V.C chimed, doubtful that Mr. Parker would actually want to listen to what these students had to say.

"Did you notice that all three murders were done with weapons whose whereabouts are not known?" Mr. Parker continued, "this one's the most disturbing."

"Well, there have been other cases similar to this," Detective Miles said, quite unconvinced with Mr. Parker's explanation, "and like I said, whoever's doing this got an inside man."

"Professor Parker," the V.C started after falling silent for a moment, "what do you say we do?"

"Just in case," Mr. Parker said, "I think we cleanse Hostel M2."

Henry and Chris turned to the Professor, quite surprised at his suggestion. The two detectives shook their head in discontent.

"You mean an..." Detective Maloney paused halfway through his sentence, the words just felt too surreal to be spoken from his mouth.

"Exorcism," Mr. Parker said, ending the detective's sentence.

Everyone fell silent, whoever thought it'd ever come to this. As surreal as it sounded, it was happening and they had to face it. The school had gotten famous suddenly, thanks to the uncontrollable influx of news persons in the premises. Quite a percentage of students evacuated the hostel that morning and from the look of things, even more already made plans for leaving. The egotistical Vice Chancellor had put off every suggestions of an emergency break for the safety of the students, claiming that the cops were involved and so everything was under control.

For Henry and Chris, leaving the hostel back for home was out of the question, not when you had to travel all the way up north in so little time. And again, what if he did tail them, they'd only end up endangering their family too- McKay was already a proof of this.

"Professor Wells, the press are waiting just outside and from the look of things, I don't think they're willing to leave," the slender lady from the reception said, peeking through the door. It all seemed like they hadn't even noticed the moment she had opened the door.

The Professor nodded, "I'm right behind you."

"What're you going to tell them now?" A concerned Mr. Parker asked. The Professor shrugged slightly, slid his eye glass into his front pocket and then followed the receptionist out of the office.

"We got our eyes out for whoever's responsible for this," Detective Maloney said as soon as he had packed up the laptop, ready to leave, "we're working."

Mr. Parker gave a cursory look at the two boys, his eyes held so much distress and it was almost very obvious before walking out of the office without another word.

Their hearts sunk as they opened the door to their room just to see Kendrick zipping up his bag. Speechless, they stood, quite surprised at their friend's decision. They couldn't really blame him, anyone would do same, after all, they'd experienced way more things than they ever wished for.

"I'm sorry guys," Kendrick managed to mumble in a broken voice, "I...I just can't keep up with all of this," he shrugged.

Henry nodded, clamping his teeth together, he really could feel the fear in Kendrick's voice and if it was best for him to leave, then fine.

"Kendrick, promise me one thing," Chris muttered, "make sure no one drinks beer at my funeral, just coffee."

Kendrick scoffed at that, shook his head and then walked out of the room without saying anything else. Chris' heart jumped at the slamming of the door, he turned to Henry who stood beside him.

"Would you do that for me?"

"Yeah, sure. Can you help me pack my bag too?" Henry answered, walking towards his bed.

"What!!!" Chris yelped frantically, totally shocked at Henry. It took less than a second for his heart beat to skip up several notches as his brain mentally visualized what sleeping alone in a room meant for four would be like, especially when Mr. Jones was somewhere, searching for his next victim. "You're leaving too?"

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Ahh, finally get to the exorcism scene :-) Anyone got any thing cool about Exorcisms??

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