There's a pond in the forest,
one rumored to glow
in the dark of night
as the water flows.
There's a pond in the forest,
of which the parents would say
to their naïve children
"The water is poison! Do stay away!"
"It puts you to sleep!"
"It makes you a slave
to the spirits of the pond,"
that's what they say.
"You'll be addicted
to the saccharine taste."
"The water is poison!"
That's what they say.
They never bothered
to get their story straight
"The water is poison!"
That's what they'll say.
The truth is:
they don't want you to change.
They want their obedient little children
listening to everything they say.
I went to the pond.
I saw it glow.
I took a sip.
As the water flowed.
I drank the water
and it changed me.
I became
who I'd rather be.
Randomre·flec·tion rəˈflekSH(ə)n/ noun serious thought or consideration.