Daenery's Pov

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Emilia jumped to her feet and half shouted at Boromir
"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said." Emilia shouldn't have said anything, as Legolas jumped also to his feet and quickly sided with Emilia.
"The Ring must be destroyed." Gimli the dwarf, replied angrily
"And I suppose you think you should be he one to do it. I would be dead before I saw the Ring in the hands of an elf." That set the elves off. They all got up and sided with Legolas. I grabbed Emilia and shook my head. But she pulled herself free and started arguing with the others. I sighed and took Drogo off my shoulder and patted him. I watched Frodo, who was looking at the Ring. Emilia was shouting at Boromir. She really hated him. He was shouting back at her. I didn't want to know why so I just stand were I was. Then Frodo shouted
"I will take it." No one heard him so he shouted
"I will take it!" Gandalf froze, half in shock and half in horror. He turned around and faced Frodo.
"I will take the Ring to Mordor. Although I don't know the way." Gandalf smiled and replied
"I will take you." Frodo smiled and Aragorn walked over to Frodo and knelt in front of him.
"In life and death I can protect you. You have my sword." Legolas walked over saying
"And you have my bow." Gimli picked up his axe and walked over.
"And my axe." Boromir looked at Frodo and said
"You carry the fate of all of us, little one." Then it was my turn to look on in horror. Emilia walked up and said
"I will come with you Frodo." I stood up and walked over to Emilia.
"If my sister goes then I will follow."
"And us!" Three hobbit burst out of bushes. Elrond smiled and said
"Of course. Even when he is summoned to a secret meeting and you are not." Pippin said so,etching which I didn't caught, but Merry replied with
"Well that rules you out Pip." I smiled and Elrond smiled as well.
"You will be the fellowship of the Ring."

The Next Day
I shoved some fresh clothes into a leather bag. I was wearing brown leather pants and a thick cloth skirt. Then I pulled on a short sleeve brown leather top and my mithril chain mail. Someone gently started strapping on my leather shoulder guards. Emilia. She carefully made sure they were tight and firmly on. I buckled on my belt and arm guards and Emilia picked up my brush and braid my hair.
"Thank you." She smiled and replied
"No thank you, for coming." I smiled and hugged her. It was good to hug her. She hugged me back and said
"I best get ready. Don't forget food for Drogo." I nodded. She gently closed the door behind her. I opened up my bag and grabbed some food for Drogo and shoved in my warm proof dress and cloak. Then I strapped on my daggers and quiver. Both Emilia and I were the best warriors in Riverndell. The twins Elladan and Elrohir and Arwen, even taught us how to use the weapons. I carefully placed my bow in the quiver. Then I went in search for Aragorn.

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