Chap 4: First Day in Inkopolis

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Narrator POV

Layla woke with a start the next morning, having dreamed about her father's incident. All it did was replay over and over again in her head all night long. She actually woke up a few times during the night, so she was a little sleepy. The first thing she did that morning was make herself coffee, then she got ready, putting on the same outfit she had on the previous day because she loved it so much. When she finished, she heard a knock on her door; it was Elise.

Layla's POV

"Hey Layla, you ready yet? If not, HURRY UP!!" She complained loudly on the other side of the door.

"Ok ok jeez I'm coming. Calm your beans." I told her.

"Beans? Since when did we start talking about beans?" "She replied confusingly on the other side of the door still.

"Forget it." I walked over and opened the door to find a very antsy-looking Elise. "K let's go."

"YIPPEE!! IMMA SO EXCITED!!" She squealed. I chuckled and follow her, bouncing through the hallway. She couldn't even stay on the ground for a second; she kept bouncing all the way down the hallway.

After we walked out of the apartment building, she immediately started dragging me to Ammo Knights. "C'mon!! We need to get our weapons so we can play turf wars!!" She yelled, even though I was well within earshot. I then stopped in my tracks, making her pull even harder.

"Ah gah gah gah gah. We are going to wait and eat breakfast first, Elise. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning before I left. I'm starving." So then, I started dragging her to the cafe while she whined and complained about weapons. I feel like her big sister now. I thought as I dragged her along.

I found a nice booth in the cafe and sat her down in it. I told her she could get a weapon after she ate. So she ordered a chocolate pastry. I ordered a bacon, egg, and cheese. Man are those things good! I waited till they called our order, then went up and fetched out food from the counter.

When I sat back down and handed Elise her food, I noticed that there was a turf war being broadcasted on the little tv in the cafe that usually had the news on. I took a closer look and realized that the Cyan Streakers were playing. SQUEEE! I LOVED these guys!! Especially the leader, THE Jake Inker. He was the best (and cutest) turf player of all time! He was like considered legendary!! I stared up at the mini tv in awe (as did many others in the cafe), watching their match. They were rocking it. They ALWAYS won, but on the very rare occasion that they lost, they were good sports about it, especially Jake. He always walked up to the other team, shook all their hands saying "GG", and complimented each one of something good they did during the match. He was such a good sport! He- "Helloooooo? Earth to Layla? EAT YOUR FOOD SO WE CAN GET WEAPONS!!" Elise snapped, breaking my thought train.

"S-sorry, I was just watching the game. I've adored these guys ever since I first heard about turf wars!"

"Yeah yeah whatevs. EAT YO FOOD!"

"Rk erm rting." I said while shoving my bacon, egg, and cheese into my mouth and watching the tv at the same time.

I was so intent on watching the match that I hadn't realized I had finished my sandwich. Elise was tugging on my arm, begging to go to the weapon shop.

"C'mon!! You're done, so let's go!" She said, pulling on my sleeve.

"Here I have an idea. Why don't you get us weapons, and I'll stay and watch the match. Here's $100. If there's extra, buy yourself something nice." I said to her, handing her a single bill before her squealing and running off to Booyah Base.

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