Outing-PART 3

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"OHHH I know this little cafe that you will just adore." Jaqui chirped. I noded and she drove us a couple blocks away from my place. We stopped in this cute little cafe that was made out of window. It was nice and colorful and had a fair amount of people. Jaqui and I get out of the car and made our way into the cafe.

"OH MY GOD." Jaqui beamed jumping up and down. "Look at all the food." she pointed to the display cases full of food.

We walked down the displays and looked for something we wanted to eat.

"What on earth is caviar?" Jaqui asked scratching her neck. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the deserts.

"Caviar also known as fish eggs." The worker behind the desk informed us.

"What is this? ANIMAL ABUSE." Jaqui yelled as she pointed to the caviar cupcakes. "What is this monstrosity?"

"Jaqui I think I'm gonna-" I quickly made a b-line to the bathroom ignoring all the people telling me to watch where I'm going. I threw up everything and flushed the toilet. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and clean up the area around my lips. I walk out of the bathroom like everything was normal and made my way to Jaqui.

"What did you get?" I asked poking her. Jaqui didn't respond, she was staring at something out the window. I turn to look at what she is looking but can't seem to find it.

"Did you see him?" Jaqui asked with a big smile on her face. I shook my head and looked around the room. "A very cute guy in a black overcoat and a odd bun thing. He looked good in it, not like most guys. His voice MY LORD his voice. It's so deep and and-"

"Do you know his name?" I asked interrupting her. She put her index finger on my lips shushing me.

"I'm not done yet. He had black skinny jeans and a white shirt. His shoes were some kind of boots that he totally rocks. I think I'm in love Ali." Jaqui huffed. I licked her finger with the tip of my tongue.

"Ali, that was just disgusting I was going to buy you food but not anymore." Jaqui whinned. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the desert display.

"Jaqui, your god child wants this chocolate cake." I whinned

"Really? I thought my godchild would like vanilla but whatever." Jaqui piped. Jaqui pulled her wallet purse out and handed the cashier the money for my chocolate cake. I grabbed the plate and sat down on a table.

I grabbed a piece of cake with my fork and put it in my mouth. The creamy frosting was the first thing I tasted. It was very rich and chocolatey as for the cake it was moist and rich in flavor. A smiled climbed on my face as I took another bite of my cake.

"Ali, you're already done with your cake?" Jaqui asked surprised. She set down her salad on the table and took a seat. "I only left you for five minutes and you finished your cake. You know I wanted a bite."

"It's not my fault there is a human inside of me who wants to eat non stop." I pouted. This child is certainly like Niall. I could never eat more than a serving but now I am out of control.

"Ali, you never told me who was the guy that impregnated you." Jaqui commented. I let out a sigh and played with my fingers. I didn't tell Jaqui who the father is, for many reasons. Mostly because of management.

"Jaqui, the father is an arrogant jerk and liar who doesn't deserve for me to mention his name." I huffed. Jaqui picked up her fork and ate her salad quietly. I guess I scared her since she doesn't want to speak.


Haven't updated in a while but I'm back kind of. I have so many things going on lately but I will start to update more frequent. I actually have a free class in school now which I can work on to write yay. I do miss playing cello but I enjoy writing more so it's okay with me. As long as I don't have to do homework ANYTHING BUT HOMEWORK. I really hope you enjoyed this part. I hope you all have/had a good day because mine was meh...

Hopefully the chapters/parts will get longer as we get into the story you know. Right now were getting started....... that wasn't creepy. Well I am off to sleep because I have school YES. I love waking up at 5:00 A.M. and socialize with people.

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