The Happy Ending

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“Sometimes Eli,” She says quietly using her childhood nickname for him. “The more times you are told you’re a loser, the closer you get to believing it.”

They sit there in silence for a moment, absorbing the words that just spurted out of her mouth. Then she feels his hand rest on her leg.

“Laylay, I never, I never-”

“Its fine Eliot, leave it.”

“No, its not ok-”

She turns around and shouts. “Hannah start the ride again!”

Then Eliot turns around. “Hannah don’t you dare start that ride!"

Hannah stops making out with Michael for a moment to turn round and shout back.

“I won’t!”

She sighs and slunks back in her seat.


“I’ve got nothing more to say to y-”

“Damn it woman let me talk!” Eliot’s outburst silences her for a moment but she refuses to look him in the eyes.

He shuffles closer to her so their legs are touching and he takes her hands in his.

“Please look at me Laylay.” He pleads.

Reluctantly she tears her eyes away from the lapping sea and looks into his bright green eyes.

“The reason I knew it was you when we kissed is that I have only ever had that much chemistry with one person in my entire life, and that person is you. And I felt truly awful when Hannah told me you got really upset over me and I am so sorry about my stupid friends and that is never how I imagined our first kiss...”

“Wait you imagined our first kiss?”

Then Eliot then does something she has never seen Eliot do since she met him. He blushes.


“How did you imagine it?” She whispers.

He smiles knowing she has forgiven him.

“Well I would have first taken you out on a proper date somewhere nice like the cinema or out for dinner. And I would have made rubbish jokes because I would be so nervous but you would have laughed anyway not because the jokes were funny but because you take enjoyment out of my nervousness. After I had paid I would have taken your hand and led you to my car and blindfolded you. And you would have obviously protested a lot but I would just have smiled and listened to your babblings."

She laughs and fights the tears coming to her eyes.

"Then whilst driving I would have turned on the radio and we would have disagreed on every song and radio station until we ended up laughing and turning it off. Then you would have bugged me about where we were going and I wouldn’t have told you just to see your lips pout in protest. And then we would have arrived at the park, I would have taken off your blindfold and you would have exclaimed-”

 “I love this place.” She says anticipating what she would say in that situation. He smiles and continues.

“And then I would have taken you to my favourite spot in the park, right on top of that hill...”

“Wouldn’t I have got cold wearing my pretty blue summer dress?” She asks him playing along.

“Ahh no I would see you shivering and being the gentleman that I am I would take off my jacket and put it round your shoulders. And you would protest but I’d say: It looks better on you than me.

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