Chapter 2

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The horse had stopped to graze in a clearing, just as the servant had said. Dean approached her cautiously and clucked twice. She lifted her head to look at him. A long blade of grass stuck over her lip. She didn't run when he approached and resumed chewing when he patted her flank and remounted.

Dean squeezed with his heels to coax her into a walk, pointing her toward the palace though she pulled with her head in the opposite direction. He couldn't blame her; he didn't want to return home either. He should seize the opportunity to turn around, ride for Campbell, but the mare was old. It was unlikely she'd survive to the border, let alone on the mountain roads.

The news of this arranged marriage had aroused anger he hadn't felt since his mother's death nearly twenty years ago. He was already bound to the throne because of a bloodline, but now he was expected to marry a stranger on top of it?No way. He'd choose Hell over a total lack of control of his life. Dean had the option to abdicate, refuse the marriage outright, but he couldn't force the crown on Sam. He'd found a girl he loved in the nearest village and was studying the law. Dean's life had been prescribed since birth, but Sam had a chance at real happiness.

Dean only wanted a few days to himself, a little breathing room—an impossibility within the palace. He'd never slept without guards posted outside his door. There was always someone watching. He'd been intent on riding straight through the night to Campbell, certain his mother's people would grant him temporary sanctuary. But a few miles in, his horse had slipped a shoe, leaving him with a two-hour walk in search of a replacement ride. The guard had probably been out all morning searching for him, as soon as they found his bedroom empty. He ought to order the farrier fired or at least put into the stocks for a few days.

Dean didn't see the guard when he rode over the bridge and through the palace gate. Relieved that they were still out, he rode back to the stables and turned the horse over to Bobby with instructions that it be well looked after. He'd return it later, he promised, but right now he needed sleep. Bobby grunted a complaint but took the reins and led the horse away. Dean leaned over Baby's stall door. He gave her the apple he'd been carrying and kissed her nose as she ate it, scratching the whiskers on her chin before he headed inside.

He couldn't avoid the noble men and women who addressed him on the walk from the stable to the courtyard. He bid them polite hellos but hurried inside and upstairs to his room, past the guards, and collapsed face-first on the bed. Someone had replaced the sheets in his absence.

When Dean was seconds from blissful unconsciousness, Sam cleared his throat from the doorway.

"What?" Dean grunted into the pillow.

"How far did you make it?"

"Not far enough." He rolled onto his back. "Is dad pissed?"

"What do you think? He thought you'd been kidnapped until they found the sheets. Nice work."


"He threatened to put bars on your windows until the wedding."

Dean snorted and dug a finger into his eye. "Where is he?"

"Meeting about the treaty with Callaway. I wanted to make sure you ate."

"I had an apple."

Sam raised one eyebrow. "Voluntarily?"

"Shut up." Dean hid his face in his arms.

"I can't believe you ran off. Are you really this upset about the engagement?"

"Why don't you go bother your girlfriend so I can get my four hours?"

"She's working," Sam said smugly.

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