Huggin, meeting, drinkin, lovin

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Music pounded over head, neon lights flashing. Tons of people were dancing, laughing, and ranking. Not that Steven minded really. He sat at the bar, his eyes scanning the people on the lit up dance floor. No one seemed very interesting. He sipped on his drink, still unable to resist looking at the crowd of people. He glanced at his phone. 9:57 pm. Might as well get ready to go. He stood, placing his drink on the table and turned towards the door when a laugh caught his attention. It sounded like a teenager almost. But that would be impossible. You had to be 21 to get into this place. Steven turned, looking around for the owner of such a young laugh. No one looked out of place until he saw a young girl in his chair at the bar, laughing with a friend. The girl has dirty blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail. Her clothes were black, with tears in the knees of her jeans. Her friend was a dark brunette girl, with bright orange coloured eyes and a purple dress with matching heels. Steven bit his lip, the blonde was pretty cute. He supposed he could give it a try.

He walked over, sitting down and tapping her shoulder. She stopped talked and turned, her bright brown eyes glistening with excitement. Steven cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt, I just happened to notice you and wanted to know if you would let me buy you a drink?" His left hand twitched nervously. He's sounded pretty plain. But the girl smiled. "Sure! What's your name?" She asked. She had a thick British accent, adding to her attractiveness. "Steven, you?" He replied, feeling a bit more relived. Her friend got up, glaring at Steven before walking to the dance floor again.

"Name is Lira Bloodgood." She said, the corners of her lips twitching up slightly. Steven made a mental note to remember her name. "Cool, anything in particular you would want?" He questioned, trying to get to know her tastes in alcohol. She bit her lip, then smiled a bit. "Everclear is fine."The reply was surprising. It was made up of 95% alcohol and was pretty strong. Steven simply shrugged it offs ordering two glasses of Everclear.

Soon after a while of laughing, drinking, and jokes, Lira yawned. "I best be gettin' home, I'm pretty tired now." She flashed a grin. Steven sighed. She had drowned quite a bit of liquor, and seemed out of it at this point. "How about you come home with me, I'm not sure I like the idea of you driving right now." She rolled her eyes. "I'll be..." She hiccuped, her face blushing red. "I'll be fine." She grinned. Steven shook his head, standing. Lira stood as well, instantly tumbling over. Grabbing her before she hit the tiled floor, Steven held her in his tight grip. God, she's as cold as ice! Maybe colder. He shook his head. "Come on" the brunette man lead her out, walking to a silver car. He opened the passenger door, sitting her down and buckling her. Then he went to the drivers side, got in and started the car. The time read 11:28 pm. Pulling out of the parking lot, he drove home as he listened to the heavy breathing of Lira. This was gonna be one strange night.....

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