The Next Genaration

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Hey guys! This story is going to be about the Harry Potter Next Genaration! Its going to include POVs from Albus, James, Lily, Harry, Ginny, Rose, Hugo, Ron and Hermione, and include charcters such as The Weasely Kids, The Potter Kids, The Malfoy Kids and My OCs. Enjoy!

Disclaimer- Most of these charcters belong to JK Rowling. I also do not own a Audi, or an Audi R8(Although I would like one) I only own my chahters and the plot. I also own 'Hex Tiggy'.


Albus Potter

Albus Potter walked down the Hogwarts Express. He looked into all the compartments as he went, seeing older kids chatting with their friends, once seeing his brother, James, sitting with his friends, chatting and laughing. James was 2 years older than Albus, and was sorted into Gryffindor. He became chaser in his second year. He was now in third year. Albus saw a girl, who looked like she was a first year, sitting alone in a compartment, reading the Daily Prophet. Albus pushed open the door and peeked his head around it. 'Would you mind if I sit here? All the other compartements are full'' He said tentatively. The girl jumped, startled and studied Albus. 'Sure' She said finally, smiling. Albus sat down on the seat across from her. 'Whats your name?' She asked, cocking her head to one side. 'I'm Albus' He said. 'Nice name! I'm Sapphire' She said. Sapphire was wearing her waist-length honey blond hair in a fishtail plait. (A/N. If you don't know what a fishtail plait is, just google it. Its really pretty) She was wearing black denim jeans and a white top, with a black silhouette of a city on it.

'Do you have any brothers and sisters?' Albus asked, trying to make conversation. 'I have an older brother, Ethan, his twin sister, Mackenzie, and my younger sister, Mireya.'(A/N. Mireya is pronounced Ma Ray Ah) 'What year are they in?' He asked. 'Oh! Ethan and Mackenzie arent wicthes and wizards. Im muggleborn. They are 15. And Mireya is 8.' She said. 'So this means you dont really know anything about Hogwarts?' Albus asked. Sapphire nodded. 'Well there are four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. You get sorted into a house by a magical talking hat. I wouldnt mind being in any house, excpet Slytherin.' Ablus explianed. 'How did you know all that?' She asked. 'My older brother James. He is in third year Gryffindor.' 'Do you have any other siblings?' 'Yeah. Well, I have James, and I have a little sister named Lily, who is four years younger than me.' 'And whats so bad about Slytherin?' She asked. Albus didnt know how to explain this. He didnt really want to tell Sapphire about Voldermort. The name still make him shiver. ' You will find out in Defence Against The Dark Arts.' He said. Sapphire nodded. 'Is there any certain house you would like to be sorted into?" She asked.

'Almost all of my family was sorted into Gryffindor, except for my Aunts Fleur and Audrey, because they didnt go to Hogwarts -" Sapphire interpurpted him 'There are other magicl schools? Wicked!' She gestured for him to contuine. 'And some of my cousins, such as Victorie, Louis, Molly and Roxanne' He finshed. ' You said almost all of your family got sorted into Gryffindor. How much family do you have?' Albus thought hard. 'Including Aunts and Uncles?' Sapphire nodded. 'Houses?' Sapphire nodded again. 'Bill, my uncle, Gryffindor, Fleur, his wife, Didnt go to Hogwarts, Victorie, their oldest, Ravenclaw, Dominique, their second child, Gryffindor, Louis, their youngest, Ravenclaw, Uncle Charlie, Gryffindor, no kids or wife, Unlce Percy, Gryffindor, Aunt Audrey, No Hogwarts, Molly, there oldest, Ravenclaw, Lucy, their youngest, Gryffindor, George, Gryffindor, His wife, Angelina, Gryffindor, Fred, their oldest, Gryffindor, Roxanne, their youngest, Hufflepuff, Ron, Gryffindor, Hermione, his wife, Gryffindor, Rose, there oldest, Its her first year too, so im not sure yet, Hugo, there youngest, he will be here in 3 years. Harry, my dad, Gryffindor, Ginny, my mum, Gryffindor, and James, my brother, Gryffindor. We also have a sort of, adopted son, Teddy, who grauadte, and was in Gryffindor.'

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