Chapter two

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"nice tv...em.." Zayn started

"Violet. My name is Violet." I told him, well actually all of them.

"nice tv Violet!" he finished. I went to the pantry grabbed chips, gummy worms, and beef jerky for us to eat while they waited out the fans. I placed the food on the coffee table in front of the tv and within minutes it was all gone. I was flabbergasted that 5 teenaged boy could eat so damn much.

"Jesus guys! How!?!?" I said while Niall was stuffing the last few gummy worms in his mouth.

"hey! This is why you don't give us food! Especially Niall, He's a bottomless pit. And the rest of us just eat until we fell sick." Harry shouted at me.

"Violet!? Get up here right now missy! We need to talk." my mother shouted at me. She was obviously drunk. When she's depressed or stressed she drinks herself drunk, when she's drunk she's mean, when she's mean, she abusive, when she's abusive, I hurt, a lot.

"um...I will be right back guys..." I slowly said while walking upstairs scared shitless.


"Violet!? Get up here right now missy! We need to talk." someone shouted who I believed was her mother.

"um...I will be right back guys..." Violet said while looking terrified. I am worried because the person who shouted sounded drunk and I know how drunk people get, like me. Im mean, and rude and stuff. I just hope shes ok.

"Ok. Dont take too long." I told her as she walked through the door. "Hey guys, I'm worried now. You all know how drunk people act."

"Hazza don't worry. It's probably just her mom or sister. Come cuddle your boobear." Louis told me.

"Okay, thanks boobear" I replied. Just then, I hear yelling and screaming from upstairs right above us.

"It's not my fault I'm a fucking drunk! It's yours!" Someone yelled.

"Oh yeah?! How is it my fault mom? YOURE the one who sent them out to the store on New Years Eve to get pop and chips! How in the hell is it my fault?!" Violet shouted back.

"You were the one who was driving the car. You're the one who decided to take the free way there, so it would be faster."


"Well obviously you were wrong!"

"IM SOR-" Violet start then there was slience. "You bitch!" and we hear a door slam and Violet came back down a few minutes later.

"Oh shit! I'm going up!" I yelled then Niall and Liam held me down on the couch. "NO LET ME GO!" I was struggling to get out of their tight grasps.

"Harry, calm down." Zayn said

"No I can't!" I cried

"Harry. Just give her some time."

"Fine. I will Zayn.. Thanks..." Then Violet came back downstairs.

"Hey guys, sorry about that...Mom is drunk. She left, nothing to worry about now." She said with tears in her eyes and she went and sat on the love seat.


"Mom, I'm sorry that there is people outside screaming. It just this boy band bumped into me and got me running with them cause there was about 500 girls running and screaming after them. I'm so sorry. I'll call the police so they don't do anything." I said

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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