Joanna Mason

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The loud thudding on my door woke me today, father stood in the door way with his cunning smile holding up only what I can describe as the ugliest dress I have ever seen. That was the idea just in case I was picked I must look elegant as if I knew nothing about how to fight or wield and axe.

"Rise and shine killer if we are late I will not be happy!" There was jokey tone to his voice but I can never tell.

I slid my head under the blanket, willing the day away. My name was in there over 100 times those odds never felt safe but this year I only had 2 extra and I've only 2 years left, other families have hundreds of names, I will be okay, I know I will, I have to for Father.

The toilet room felt colder than normal, on the side lay my dress next to it with a jug of hot water. As I strip off and scrub every inch of my body the realisation is just getting worse, what if it is me? What will they do without me? As I pour the jug of water over my head the tears ive tried to hold back just come flooding through till I hear the knock of my father, "hurry up killer, we don't have time to waste".

My dress still fits, I must not have grown, I tie my hair in a fish tail bow and walk out to Father, he always wore his wedding suit, he said it was good luck when I ask. He looked so elegant, but he was the real killer he taught me everything from how to swing an axe to elegant movements with a knife, he was lethal, he was my perfect role model. All mother ever does is sit in the corner of the room and sow in grandmothers old chair, ever since little Ericon died 2 years ago, he was born too young and as much as we got extra food it wasn't enough to help him. But now my name is in there more than it would have been and for that I resent her. But today she was dressed in an old frayed dress, she looked beautiful... She's smiling, I can't help but smile back and hug them. "it will all be okay, I promise."

The walk from the house to the square was all up hill, the walk was slow because of Fathers bad knee, every time we stopped mother would fix my hair. By the time we got there only a handful of people weren't there, I searched through the crowd for Drew but I couldn't see him.

"it will all be okay, I'm your little killer" I said as I hugged Mother and Father. The lady sat at the table looked as if she was going to pass out from the cold. She took my hand there was a beep, then out of the corner of my eye, Drew. I allowed the woman to take the blood while keeping my eyes firmly on Drew, we needed to talk even if today was the worst possible day.

"Drew" I yelled he turned, ran into his arms, his strong perfect arms.

"Where have you been hiding killer"

"Fathers been taking me out more showing me the ropes, you know how it is, I'm sorry for blowing you off, I've missed you"

"I've missed you too, there is something I need to tell you after the reaping, big new..

His voice was cut off over the sound of the system telling us to get into line. With one last hug I left him and went to stand in a line with all the other girls.

It sounds crazy but you could smell the fear, the video droned on as always and then we had to wait for the other districts before Truman could call the names. He looked so out of place in this city the bright hair the yellow suit, the perfect makeup, he was a beautiful man but he brought such misery to us you couldn't enjoy his beauty. Then he began to talk I looked over at Drew he smiled and they the boy was chosen.

"Dariot Forman". That's the mayors son there is no way someone wouldn't volunteer, but they didn't the 13 year old chubby boy waddled up to the stage as his father sat behind them wailed.

"And now for the girls, District 7s female competitor will be..." he paused as he opened the paper "Joanna Mason".

The shock hit me, that's my name I looked over to drew, the fear in his face now made his look weak, then I remembered Fathers words "if you are ever chosen, look weak, look afraid don't show them anything" so that's what I did I let the fear take over my face, I could see from the screens that my face was white, I walked up the stairs to join them on the stage, the crying boy and the man who never has to endure this pain. I resented Truman more than ever, he gets to live while I have to struggle to survive. Why me, why me?

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