Meadow Lerow

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I still can't understand how I could have been chosen, I'm starting to feel as if the games are fixed only two years ago they sent my big brother to die and now me. It's not fair I'm traveling to the capitol to die. The only good thing is how wonderfully comfortable the beds are the sheets must be made of silk. I wish I knew something about fighting anything, I know how to survive on barley and food or water but I feel as if that isn't enough. They said it would be only a day till we get there, and you can barely even feel the train move I feel like we haven't even left home.

I can't sleep I just keep replaying the pain in my mother's face I told her I love her but I just wish she was here in bed cuddling me. It's not fair my brain keeps relaying my name and the thoughts my brother must have had. I don't think it has truly sunk in.

They woke me and told me we were only 4 hours away. Sat round the table that must have been twice the size of me I could feel the tension the only 1 people to have ever won the Hunger Games won by hiding till everyone else died and he must be high, I suppose it's how you deal with the trauma. Looking at little Ronon's face I can tell he's been crying, his eyes are all puffy and red, but he still piles all the food he can onto his plate. It make me smile he reminds me so much of my little sister, I must help him, I must.

All the food smells so amazing and I've never seen most of the food, I want to try it all but I know I can't I'll throw up. "Pace yourself little one" I said with a giggle to little Ronon, his face lit up and he continued to gorge himself on all the food he possibly could. I suppose the one thing that I can be happy about is I won't be hungry any more. Everything is so rich and tasty my mouth can't stop enjoying every last bite. To wash it down there is an arrangement of coloured liquids. Which one? I ended up picking up the pink liquid, it's so sweet and fizzy, I wish there was things like this at home.

They are throwing up, they will be no help. Why don't we ever stand a chance it's not fair, why can't we train from a young age like all the careers, I bet they have the perfect plan, they will be thinking of ways to kill me. The only advise out 'Mentors' have to offer is to sty hidden and don't stave, I could have thought of that myself.

The train doors open, there are crowds of people cheering their hair is the same colour as all the liquids from the train, they are dressed in a way that makes no sense, why would you wear such strange colours together? But the cheering is so uplifting Ronon is waving and smiling so I join him. We are led through the crowds of people out of the train station into the largest car I have ever seen. I've never been in a car before it's almost magical, there is almost no effort for the car to move forward. When the car stops there is a building, which touches the sky there are hundreds of glass windows. We walk through these large glass doors and are led to this large glass lift, then one of the mentors presses the button for level 6, it must be the level for our district. We walk down a corridor with red floors and flowered pain on the walls, when we enter our quarters, it reminds me of the room I had to say good bye to my family in. the tears start to fill my eyes, but I can't help but admire the beauty of this room, the glass tables, the chairs that are red and look as if they have been crimpled. The lounge area there is a television as big as me with white corner sofas surrounding it, they then show me to my room there is a room with a shower and bath, the bed is so large you could fit my whole family in it comfortably if Lizzy didn't kick.

We are left to do what we want, I chose to have a shower I've never enjoyed running water before. I slip my skirt and shirt off and leave them on the floor, I step into the running water, it's so powerful and warm I start to wash my face, and body then I just stand there and enjoy the running water.

It must have been over half an hour I was in the shower when I climb out there are towels on a rack, when I pull one off they are warm and soft. When I look down for my clothes I notice they have gone. I walk into the bedroom open a draw and there are clothes in every one. I pick out a pair of trousers and a silky top, they fit as if they were made for me. Maybe they were, maybe the games are fixed it's not fair that two people from my family are sent to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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