Her Secret Unleashed 2

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Most of you still hate Hannah...which i, hopefully, can convince you to loke her and love her like you guys love Sam. Gah, while i was writing this chapter i kept trying to kill Fin -_- I didn't ! but the son of a gun really p*ssed me off -_- anyway here's chapter 2


My eyes widened and i pushed him off.

"What the hell Fin. Your with Sam"I exclaimed, he rolled his eyes and kept a tight grip on my wrist.

"And? Come on Hannah, i know the way you look at me and wish you were with me"He answered, i scoffed and tried pulling my wrists away, didn't work

"Fin, you are crazy, i don't like you"I lied, he smirked

"Who'll believe you Hannah? If i tell Sam You kissed me, who will she believe? Me, her loving Boyfriend? Or you, the girl with a crush on me?"He asked, i gulped as I knew what would happen, The whole school would flee to Sam's side as she's the victim in all this and me and Fin would be the bad guys but they would blame me. I glared at him and roughly pulled my wrist away, it came free.

"What do you want"I growled, his smirk widened as he leaned back on the bed

"Whenever I need you, you come here. No questions."He said simply, my glare hardened

"I'm not a sex toy.."I trailed off as he held up his phone, Sam's number flashing

"You want me to tell her how one of her best friends kissed me?"He asked, I shut my mouth and sighed.

"Fine"I mumbled. He smirked and answered the phone

"Hey Babe"He answered, i heard Sam on the other line asking a question. His eyes flicked to me.

"No, sorry i don't know where Hannah is but i think she might be in the library"He lied, i heard her sighed and mutter something

"Alright, see ya later. Bye"He hanged up and stared at me.

"I think you should go to the library"He insisted. I sighed and turned to leave when he caught my hand, pulling me back.

"What no-"He cut me off with his lips and quickly wrote his number on my hand. I pulled away and left him. Guilt filling my stomach. I felt disgusted with myself. I got out into the fresh air, i took a deep breath and quickly walked to the Library. Not wanting to see Sam's face.

I came up to the Library to see Sam getting out of Joe's car, she instantly spotted me and ran over

"I thought you hated this place?"She asked after she asked me. I shrugged as her eyes of pure innocene pierced mine. I gulped and focused on the ground

"So i was wondering if you wanted to join me and Chelsea for a sleepover?"She asked, i was about to reply yes when her phone buzzed

"Hello?"She answered, a smile lifted on to her face but a frown made its way on

"uh...yeah, hang on"She handed me the phone

"It's Fin"She mouthed. I nodded

"Hey Fin"I answered, i heard him sigh and told someone to be quiet

"You need to come over tonight"I frowned slightly

"Why? I was planning to do something"I replied annoyed. He growled into the phone, i flinched slightly.

"Forget the damn plan, or do you want Sam to know"He threatened, anger boiled up in my blood. Who cares if she knows ! My mind shouted. I was about to shout when a little voice in my head spoke up. You do, stupid. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

"Fine, i'll see you later."I gave the phone to Sam and refused to cry. This is all my fault anyway, i had to go to his house because my damn brain wasn't working

"Okay..I'll see you tomorrow, love you too"She ended the phone call giving me a weird look

"What did he want?"She asked slowly, not wanting to seem like a jealous girlfriend, I sighed.

"He wanted to ask for help on the D.T homework, sorry Sam i can't go tonight, you know i would love to but your boyfriend is annoying"I lied, she laughed slightly. All though i could see the dissapointment in her eyes she waved it off

"It's fine, i'm just glad you guys are getting along"She smiled, my heart dropped. If only i could tell her, then she wouldn't let this go. I faked a smile and we walked along in town, talking about random things. It took my mind off things for awhile till i saw Sam's eyes full of love and innocence, Something i would ruin if i told her


Ok guys i hope this clears things up with Hannah, she didn't tell Sam first that she was going to Fin's house because she wasn't thinking and that if she actually told Sam what fin told her to do, then she would be heartbroken and blame Hannah for everything...which happens anyway but still, Hannah couldn't bear breaking Sam's heart so she goes along with Fin's plan, who, which i knew all along, is E-V-I-L!!! Evil B*stard.

Her Secret Unleashed. (Hannah's Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now