The beginning (Oct. 2015)

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        On the bus today, my best friend Mab(Mabry) had 2 candies she had gotten from the school store. One was a Kit Kat and the other was a box of sour stripes. I asked for a piece of Kit Kat and she said no. I was like, "pleeeeeease?" And made a pout (not serious... As a joke, you know?)... And then when she was distracted I broke off a tiny piece. She said to hand it over, but since she always takes my food, I was fine. So I slowly braying it to my mouth, watching the flames grow higher in her eyes. But it had already touched my mouth, I wasn't gonna hand it over once my spit was on it. EW! She FREAKED OUT! Seriously. She acted like a total bitch! She said how mean I was and I said, "I do what's I wants!" As a joke, even though I'm basically grammar police. (Lol). And then she looks at me and shouts, "DONT!" I was playing music and laughing, but after that I turned off the music and didn't speak for the rest of the ride. Except when later my friend Jaako was jokingly calling her and my other friend Sybreena a wendigo, and I asked them both if they knew what a Mendigo was. Mabs goes, "I don't but I don't care!" And turned away from me! WTF! She doesn't talk to me or look at me, and I eventually crawled into a little ball on my seat. (It's where I feel safe and in my own world). I watched as Mabry dropped her stuff and jumped to Sybreena's seat, then offers her candy. And laughs way more than normal with my other friends. I think it was to make me jealous or something, but I don't say anything cause she would deny. Later on she smacks her hand on my seat while giggling, and asked if I'm ok. Like everything is normal again. I didn't respond so she says, "tap your finger once for no and twice for yes." I instead stick my middle finger at her. (we always do that to each other) She laughs and says she'll take that as a yes. When the bus reaches my stop, I run off and race all the way down the street to my house, to where my dog is waiting outside for me. Sadie (my dog) is so happy to see me. I wonder how dogs can understand moods of people, and I can't help but smile. I wipe the tears from my face and hug her tight. She immediately brightens my mood. I wonder why Mabry acted like that. I almost thought it was because she was on her period, but I stop myself. I know I would hate it if people where always like, "why are you so moody, are you on your period?" Even thought I haven't had my period yet. But anyway, I tell myself she might have just had a bad day. Or maybe not... 
          Whatever her problem is, she better figure it out, because we promised when we had our first sleepover, that we would always be best friends, and that we would never lose each other or let go.
Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying my story. The names are a little different than real life just for privacy reasons. But I always wonder what story I can write that's interesting, and then I realized that my life is a literal roller coaster. Like the ones you are dared to ride. Where you don't know what will happen, if you'll puke or fall, go down a long hight or shoot up like a rocket, go under a tunnel or over a bridge, and maybe even build one. The ones that could be crazy and full of turns and flips, or stupid, like a little kids ride when your 40. This is the true story of my life. Of my emotions. Of my crazy accomplishments. Of my struggles. Of my friends and family. Of us.

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