1- Summer Camp

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It's in the middle of summer camp, and it's lunch time, the loner that sits alone across the table from you, has always been staring at you. It's been driving you nuts. Finally you have the courage to go rant him out.

"Y/N! Don't! I heard some bad things happen to him." Your best friend Maddie says.

You sigh. But you can't take it anymore. Maybe you'll yell at him at a time no one is around? A small smirk appears on your face. It's a perfect idea.

Every once awhile you glance at the loner. Sad thing is, you don't even know his name. All you can tell about his appearance that he's a nerd that has no idea how to take care of his curly hair mess. Sure he's  weird, but maybe he's different? 

Lunch ends and Maddie and you go back to your cabin. "You think loner boy has a crush on you?"

"Ew! I hope not! Have you seen the way he dresses!?" You reply.

"True, but you can't judge everyone." Maddie says fixing her hair in the mirror. She had a point. You always seemed to judge people. Maybe talk to the loner and give him a chance? 

"Do you even know his name?" You ask Maddie. She shakes her head no with a small chuckle. Seems like no one knew his name. "What cabin does he sleep in?" You ask her again.

"Cabin 5? I think. I really don't know for sure." Maddie questions herself. 

You quickly rip out a piece of paper from your notebook and scribble down, "9pm meet me by the main dock by the lake." Everyone knew where that was. Hopefully he does. "I'll be back!" You quickly run out of your cabin as Maddie giggles. Then you quietly slip the note under Cabin's 5 door. 

Hopefully it was the right cabin. You sigh and quickly get back to your cabin.

"So did you do it?" Maddie asks right when you walk in the door. You chuckle a little and nod yes. "What if you two start dating or something?" Maddie laughs a little. 

"EW!" You throw a pillow at Maddie while she laughs. I mean, what if that really happens? Thinking that made you feel queasy. Like there were thousands of butterflies trying to escape out of your stomach but they had no way out.

It was getting late so you and Maddie get into bed. Maddie sleeps on the top bunk and you sleep on the bottom. Which was good, since you were sneaking out. You keep glancing at the clock, Maddie was already asleep, which was good. You'll like to do this without feeling weird inside.

Finally it's 9pm. You peek out the window and see a boy sneak out of his cabin. It looks just like loner, you just hope it is. Carefully you open the door, which was not a good idea since it creaks. You bite your lip hoping for the creaking to stop. Which it doesn't so you carefully shut it and sneak out the window.

You carefully jog to the main dock and see a boy with curls sitting on the dock. You walk up to him and sit right beside him. He glances at you.

"Y-your the one who wrote the letter?" He says shyly.

You nod your head in response. "I'll like to get to know you better.. since you always stare at me." 

His cheeks turn bright red. "Oh.. um.."

You try not to giggle. "Well what's your name?"

"I'm Mica." He responds. It's not a name you hear all the time. It's actually a very unique and nice name.

"I'm Y/N" You slightly smile. But like he doesn't know that. He smiles back.

"So why do you always stare at me?" You ask, trying not to embarrass him, but his cheeks are so red. He shrugs. 

"You can tell me." You respond. It takes him awhile to tell you the truth but he finally does it.

"I like you." He looks at you in the eyes. The way is brown eyes looked at you made something click. That's when you knew you liked him back. Trying to hide your blushing, Mica carefully places his hand on your cheek and softly kisses you. It was like fireworks shooting off. It was beautiful. 

The kiss quickly ends, and Mica looks into your eyes, he gives off a small smile. You look down and quickly look back up with a smile. That's when you know you really liked him. You were in love with the "loner" even though you always tried to deny it.

"We must get back. The counselors will be doing bed check any minute now." Mica points out. You nod your head but just before you can run off, Mica grabs your hand and softly kisses you once more. His soft plump lips carefully fitted onto yours.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." Mica says. 

You smile. "Goodnight Mica."


So did you guys like the first imagine? I hope you did! Imagines will be updated (hopefully) everyday. And yes, Mika's name was spelled Mica as a child. You should know that if you're a true freak! See you later ;)

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