22- Christmas

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"Mika! Mika wake up!" You shake Mika's skinny body.

"What?" Mika groans shoving his face into his pillow, hoping to go back to sleep.

"It's Christmas silly! Wake up!" You jump on top of him, placing your hands on his chest, shaking him again, trying to get him to get awake.

"Just, ..just a few more minutes love." He replies in a sleepy tone, with a small smile on his face as he tries to fall back asleep.

You get off him and groan, "You're a boring person." You say crossing your arms.

"Am not." Mika hears you.

"Then wake up!" You laugh. Then Mika slowly wakes up and sits up on the bed.

"There, happy?" Mika rubs his tired eyes and chuckles.

You nod your head and smile, "Yes I am, thank you." Mika pulls you into a hug from behind you. His skinny arms wrap around your body and his bare chest is in contact with your back. He giggles and kisses your cheek, "Good morning." Mika tells you.

"Good morning." You smile, then his arms break apart and he lets you go, which kinda disappoints you.

Mika gets off from the bed and grabs your hand, both of you walk into the living room. Presents lay underneath the Christmas tree. It looks absolutely beautiful that it leaves you speechless.

"Mika? Did you do this?" You look up at him as you see more gifts than there were yesterday.

A grin appears on his face as he looks at you, "Maybe." He smirks.

The two of you sit down and open the gifts you gave to each other. The gifts were small, nothing too expensive, but each one means a lot to both of you. You get Mika a watch, because he loves wearing them and some shirts. Then Mika gets up and starts walking away.

"Mika? Where are you go-" You stop as he comes back with a small box wrapped in golden wrapping paper and a red bow on top of it. "Mika.. I don't need any more gifts." You tell him.

Mika refuses and tells you to open it, "Just open it." He smiles as you take the small box from his hands and carefully undo the red bow. You look up at him and stop.

"Go on now." Mika says with a giggle. You chuckle and rip apart the wrapping paper. When you rip it all, inside is a small black box. Confused, you look up at Mika.

"Open that one too." Mika says chuckling. You go on and open the small black box, when you open it, you can't believe your eyes.

Inside the box is a ring. Not just any ring. A engagement ring. And it was absolutely stunning.

You look at Mika speechless. "M-Mika.. It's beautiful."

"You're the most beautiful girl/guy I've ever meant, and I want to spend my whole entire life with you." Mika gets down his knee and grabs both of your hands as he looks up at you. "Y/N, will you marry me and be with me for the rest of my life?" (lol hell no)

(jk, i've wouldve said yes) "Y-yes!" You stutter out. Mika carefully takes the ring and puts it on your ring finger. He smiles and gets up and his lips come in contact with yours.

You two end up having a make out session for like three minutes just standing there. Every minute was beautiful. You were now going to be Mrs/Mr. Penniman. You were going to spend the rest of your life with the one and only beautiful Mika, or Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr.

Mika's lips break apart from yours and he stares into your eyes. "Merry Christmas, love." He says to you as he tucks your hair behind your ear. You blush and smile at him and hug him tightly. You head rests on his chest as he wraps his arms around you.

"Merry Christmas, Mika." You say as he kisses the top of your head.

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