bruised souls

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Memories of last night's event replayed in my head. The brutality that my mum had was unbelievable. Her anger scares me the most. Knowing that the dark side of her has brought out the worst in her tells me that I was obviously not a good fit for her happiness. So as a 17 year old, i though about what i had to do.

No, not run away.

I've been thinking about getting my own apartment for when i turn 18. I have been saving up ever since dad left me some money in the will before he past away. About $50,000. Enough for a house down payment. I decided to search it up later, cause i was getting kinda hungry.

I peeked out of my room, making surethat my mom was nowhere in sight. OnceI saw that it was clear, I made my way down the stairs and quickly searched through the cabinets for some snacks.

After i found some packs of trail mix, some chips and a couple of kool-aid pouches, Iwent back up the stairs as fast as I could. I locked my door back up and threw the snacks on my bed, and started searching for my AP English homework and thought that I should get started on my essay.

After writing and typing my paper, I quickly emailed it to my teacher and printed out a hard copy to turn in with the draft. I heard my phone vibrate and jumped a little. I lay on the bed, opening a bad of chips and checked my phone, seeing that I have a text from Jesse.

In messages

Hey Halsey xx

Hey, what's up? :)

Just finished my essay, you? :)

Omg same, guess what!

You got a new vynil disk? Haha xx

I WISH! But nooo, I got a new guitar, and the guy that works at the guitar shop hooked it up with some new picks! :DDDD xxxx

I'm proud of you! Butttt, you still have to Play some songs for me, remember, you promised babe xx
- Jesse


I will, maybe tomorrow during lunch? xx

Sounds good to me, see you then babe. sleep well xx (:

Goodnight xx

After the conversation we had, I got up and threw by empty bag of chips in a bin by the door of my room. I washed my hands and decided to watch something on Netflix. I had to catch up with Once Upon a Time anyways.

After a couple of episodes, I decided it was time to stop fangirlling about Captain Hook and Swan. It was sad when my laptop shut off, by choice.

I quickly stripped my clothing and changed into my pijama shorts and took my bra off and put on a big tee shirt, spreading my body on my bed and slowly fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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