He comes home...

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Well...... as the title states he is coming home X3 hehe just a little sketch of Kinshiro for ya' sorry if its terrible. Sorry but this isn't Sasuke like you guys might have been hoping I had to change it so it wouldn't alter the entire story.

*your pov*
I pat his back rubbing soothing circles, like I used to do to my mother some nights, wondering what was going on but would soon get that explanation "(y/n), you wouldn't wake up..." Kiba hesitated "you where mumbling in your sleep something about someone not leaving you here and then that arrogant male voice again." I pulled back and looked at him. "It.... I ....It's uh maybe later I don't think you will think the same of me if I told you, who he is." Your heart sank with every word you said and he could tell.

"Listen to me, nothing and I repeat Nothing, will ever make me stop loving you." You smile but it turns into a frown. "I uh I'm a jinchuriki...." tears well up in your eyes and they slowly fall down your cheek. "When did it happen?" He questioned and put some of your hair behind your ear. "When my dad, when he died he was the jinchuriki for the 'great' wolf Kinshiro... he died in action when I was about 8 and they where able to keep him alive in my fathers body but not for long so they brought him to me and put him inside me. I hated it for a while because he remin
ded me of my father so much and I would cry a lot  but I just kind of got used to it, but when someone makes me feel anger and sadness at the same time the seal will sometimes weaken and I am able to harness more of Kinshiro's power and it sometimes sickens me to the point where I try to suppress and forget that he is there...."

I looked down half expecting Kiba to walk out and never talk to me again but when I looked up he hugged me and cuffed my face whipping away the tears with his thumbs. "I still love you don't worry." He smiled warmly and I hugged him which he returned without hesitation, Putting his chin on my head.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk I'm getting kind of restless." I mumbled quietly into his chest, pulling away so I can look at him. "Sure but it's really late though, " he replied simply I shrugged and got up but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down so I am sitting on him and he snaked his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder.

"But I am so comfortable with you right here I don't want to move," he half wines. What he does next shocks me, he bit my neck which caused me to shiver. "What was that for Kiba?" I question wondering, why? "Because you're beautiful and I love you." He replies like its the simplest answer in the world.

A light blush rose to my cheeks and I looked away, I have never particularly  liked people seeing me blush, but he wanted to see my  blush so he gripped my chin with his thumb and index finger. "Don't look away I think it's adorable when you blush." My blush worsened as he stared into my eyes with nothing but care and love in them, I got lost.

He kissed me and hugged me, I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue slips over my bottom lip and I parted them slightly and the battle for dominance begins, I let him win and tilted my head deepening the kiss. We both felt the need for air and broke apart. "Now," I whispered "LET'S GO ON A WALK!!!!" I shouted springing up and ran out of my room.

I heard the exasperated sigh and the creaking of my bed. I shifted my weight on each foot in excitement. I heard him coming down the stairs and turned into my wolf form and dropped into a playful stance and ran around happily and nipped Kiba playfully when he came down, "Ah, hey calm down, it's just a walk, jeez." He looked at me by his side and chuckled slightly. I changed back and smiled. I went to the door and grabbed my jacket and put it on, Opened the door and walked out, he quickly followed and soon we where both in step, I giggled a little.

*Kiba's p.o.v*

I sighed, I really was enjoying that moment. I got up and started walking down the stairs. I started thinking back on all of our memories together and began to notice how she would sometimes, more often than not, act like a dog. I reached the bottom and she nipped me, man my girlfriend is crazy!

"Ah, hey calm down, it's just a walk, geez." I shook my head and chuckled slightly following her out the door and soon becoming in step with her. "Hey Kiba?" She said "Yea?" I closed my eyes and opened them when I noticed she stopped walking. "Why do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked "Well, I love you and no one will be able to change that you where my best friend before we started dating so I know almost everything about you. But (y/n) what I like the most about you is your strong personality you don't let people break your already tattered spirit and I love you for that (y/n) I always have and always will."

She smiled and charged at me then jumped on me and I held her in the affectionate hug. "Can we play hide and go seek?" I shook my head and put her down. "Sure, I'll count to 40." She smiled brightly and her eyes lit up. "Ok close your eyes," she kissed my nose. "1...."

*Your pov*

He started counting and I took off running my first thought was the forest so I did what any normal person would do and went there along the border and in a high tree I sat and waited, what I didn't expect was for a twig to snap underneath me and it wasn't Kiba. I jumped down and investigated it, that smell I knew that smell it was far in the past but I knew who it was and turned into my wolf form then growled loudly.

He turned and stepped towards me. "(Y/n) don't be like tha-" I cut him off "Be like what YOU left me and didn't even think about how much I needed YOU, how can I not be mad at YOU!" Tears streamed down my fur coverd face and I growled louder.

"You don't know me so don't talk to me like you do." I spat and I growled louder. He stepped closer and kneeled in front of me. "I missed you (y/n)." He tried to put his hand to my cheek, I backed up and growled "Touch me and I WILL bite your hand off, Daniel." He smirked and hugged me. I growled louder and I knew the seal was weakening in a flash of anger I tried to clamp my teeth onto his shoulder but in one swift movement I was on the floor with a sword to my neck.

"I thought you wouldn't be so hostile, wolfie." That's it I lost it and started sobbing "Why did you leave in the first place you shouldn't have left me here I won't forgive you for how much pain you put me through I will make it clear that I hate you." I grabbed his hand and took the sword from it and threw it on the ground. Then bit his shoulder let go and howled loudly then bit his shoulder again.

"(Y/n)..." his pained expression told me it was both sorrow and pain. Within mere seconds Kiba was here. "Woah (y/n) what happened!" He looked at me with my teeth sunken into Daniel's shoulder. I threw Daniel to him and spat the words. "I found this traitor and we are taking him to Tsunadae." I picked Daniel up and put him on my back and started walking to the Hokage.

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