The Boy Who Almost Died In The Rain (BoyxBoy)

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"This is all your fault!" Sheri screamed at me in that annoying, unpleasant voice of hers, more annoying then that fly that buzzes around your head while you look stupid trying to swat it down.

"This is my fault? You were the one who didn't call me and tell me it was due this week." My tone was acuseatoiery and egedey and had an defiant effect of egging her on.

Sheri tensed up and had that look in her eyes, the look that told me things were about to get ugly, as they so often do with us.

"I-I DID CALL YOU! For two whole hours, all I got was your 'fuck off' voicemail!" Sheri screamed at me; voice breaking in anger. That was the sign along with her twitching right eye and her hand getting ever so closer to the office items piled upon her desk.

Damn. That was all I needed to see to get the hell out of this soon to be disaster zone. I stood up slowly -really slowly- looking at that hand that was gradually itching towards the stabler. At least it wasn't the battered laptop, I doubt it could take one more clash with the wall.

"Calm down now Sheri-" I didn't get a chance to finish before she yelled over me.

"Not ONLY did I call you; I even went over to your apartment. But we're you there? NO! You were out who knows where doing who knows what." She was definitely working her way up to a rage.

I slowing started backing up to the door; I was already almost half way there, but it was too late. I missed my window. She noticed my escape attempt and had her hand on the stapler ready to be lunched, and lunch it she did.

I ducked, felt a light breeze across my face; then came the all to-familiar loud thud on the wall behind me.

I threw caution to the wind and decide to make a run for it; hoping Sheri's bad aim holds out and nothing goes for my head.

Running past the people who worked here; keeping my balance as I run into the few who didn't get out of my way fast enough. I could see the majority decided that it was best to hold up in their office till, The Rage of Sheri as they so adequately  named her temper tantrums, was over.

I made it all the way to the elevator before she threw something else at me, this time it was her shoe. Not just any shoe, a high heel one, the heel was one of those long skinny ones that you just can't believe people can really walk on without it sapping like a twig, it raced past me -Sheri really didn't have the best aim- before lodging itself in the wall in front of me.

Damn, who needs guns when they can just hand out these deadly weapons? I looked back at her looking all lopsided with one shoe off and one on, and I couldn't help it, I smile.

"Now really, was that necessary?" My tone was bored and condescending, like it doesn't matter that she just tried to bludgeon my head in with a shoe.

She started shaking and with a cry of rage picked up a flower vase that was on one of the desk near her, a get-well card still sticking out the side. That was all I needed to see to push the button to the bottom floor.

I watched Sheri as she did her best to not fall -considering that one foot was completely off the ground and the other was trying to balance on a very high heel I thought she did quite well- and with two hands grasped the vase tightly then started to windup looking like a baseball pitcher unfortunately that was all I was able to see before the elevator doors closed. A loud crash, like the sound of breaking glass followed.

I took a deep breath and felt a smiled tug at my lips, it didn't used to be like this, at first it was all business, but after a while of Sheri dealing with my lateness, my laziness and all around assholeness, she broke.

The Boy Who Almost Died In The Rain (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now