Chapter 3

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I looked down, planing to ask him why he was going to die and I unintentionally looked in his eyes. A jolt ran through me and everything I was thinking about disappeared.

How did I not notice? Bright brown with a blue rim around the pupil and flecks of red. Their exactly like his eyes. I stopped walking. He said his name was Haden. I really was stupid.

"What's your full name?" I asked this more sharply then I intend, but I needed to know for sure.

"What? Why?" He was baffled with my unexpected and abrupt question and took a minute to answer.

"Tell me." I demanded, it was all I could do not to scream at him. If he was who I though he was and I had little doubt; then my life was going to change and so was Haden's.

He blinked at me confused but still answered.

"Haden Ames."

I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach and almost drop him but I managed to hold on, a little tighter then before.

"Ryker are you ok?" Haden worried voice woke me from my from my shock.

"I'm fine." I start to walk again but my mind was filled with despair.

Haden Ames. Ames. That was his last name.

Wes Ames, the person I loved most in this world. Who death almost turned me into a real killer, the monster I never wanted to become.

The person who I save last night was Wes's brother, the brother he talked about with such love that it made even me jealous. It really wasn't so far-fetched that I don't know who he was, even when he told me his name. He doesn't even look anything like the picture I have of him. In the photo Wes was hugging him to his side and both were smiling, looking happy, content. Not at all like the sad, to thin kid I have in my arms.

It was a good thing I didn't find him a year or even half a year ago or I would have walked past him without even looking. Even if he had shot himself I wouldn't had called police, I would have walk by his dead body every day and only call when it started to stink, too caught up in my own misery to even notice let alone care.

Haden, who is ignorant of my thoughts and how his life is going to change -it was going to change no way was the past going to repeat itself with Wes's brother- was slowly swinging his legs back and forth and back to looking up at the sky apparently already uninterested in why I wanted to know his full name.

"Earlier you said your going to die, are you sick?" I was a lot more invested in this answer then I was five minutes ago.

"What does it matter to you? After you buy me clothes we're never going to see each again." He tone was uncaring, his face every bit a annoyed teenager, even if he was twenty. If I wasn't part of the conversation I would never assume we were talking about his untimely demise.

It irked me to hear Haden talk like that, the fact that he could talk about his life with such indifference. Since I now know who he is, and there was no doubt he was Wes's brother now that I knew what to look for, I could see Wes in him, the straight chin and the cheek bone that sat high up on his face, I wasn't letting him out of my sight; not now that I knew where he was.

When I had finely pulled myself together after Wes's death I had looked for Haden but was unable to find him.

I had found Ms. Odeon and asked where Haden was, she said, with spit flying from her mouth that the sinful creature had ran away and that she was glad, needless to say, I didn't stay for tea.

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