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June 14, 1994

Lurking in the shadows of the unknown, the tension of my lost love; the baby in my womb that I've grown attached to as if I'm not close to my last days. The blood coursing through my veins like lava erupting from an active volcano, a constant pain like a hammer against my head, beating over and over again in a repeated action.

The goddess punishing me for the betrayal towards my family and the man that was my one and only way to freedom, to finally be on my own.

"Max, please let's talk about this," I yelled trying to hold back the tears of desperation for the man I love. I could still hear him yelling that I played him into my own little game. But in all truth I didn't think he would fall in love with me neither I with him. I didn't want this to happen I just wanted a little freedom not to feel my heart break into millions of pieces. A sudden sound from the bushes, the tall trees blocking hall of the moon.

"Hello, i-is anyone there?" moving closer and closer towards the sound; getting closer and closer, inch by inch. My heart beating faster and faster the closer I get. Until I see a note hanging from a tree with my name on it, I picked it up and read aloud:

Dear Aubrey,

I'm leaving and never coming back. I love you, Aubrey I really do, but you played me into thinking you felt the same. I thought that what we had was something special. I thought that you were the only person I could trust. And that monster in your stomach is killing you slowly, I just couldn't stay and watch you slowly die every second of the day. I can't sleep at night because of the dreams of that monster harming you.

The hunger pains in my stomach is something I just can't avoid. It feels like a knife stabbing repeatedly in the same area with more strength each time. The offspring of me, a demon, harming the one I love most. I can't even touch you without feeling a slight pain of desperation to feed. I'm a shifter with no control. A predator of choice; my silence shall last for me to die in my own misery. Alone!

I couldn't read another word that was written. The tears running down my face falling onto the piece of my lost love. Teardrops falling from my eyes like raindrops falling from the sky.

"Max, please! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was being so petty and stupid. I love you, Max!" I lost my reason to live. I lost the only person I trusted.

The pains deepening to my core causing me to collapse to the ground. My breath whisping away faster by the second. My vision blurring as the pain exceeds into an excruciating level of hell that only the devil could put upon me. My insides constantly beaten by the demon inside of me.

"MAX, I NEED YOU! Please, I'm begging you!" Crying on this cold hard forest ground; I lost my reason to live. I lost the one I trusted most.

Trying to keep my eyes from drifting closed, I see a snow white tiger with hypnotizing ice blue eyes with a spark in the right iris.

The eyes I looked into when I walked down the aisle. The eyes I looked into when I lost hope. The smell of his usual cologne surrounding me. The crisp forest air slowing in the instant.

"Max." Lying here looking into the eyes of a man I betrayed, all I could do was reach out and stroke his fur for the first and final time. When I'm with him it feels like time has slowed down just for us to say our final goodbyes. Just to make the moment our love became you noticed in our eyes. All our troubles far away where no one can reach the. That one special connection.

"I love you" tears rolling down my cheeks; drifting into the light. One last breath for three words to the one I love. I heard my daughters cry and then all I saw was darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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