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The sunlight caused my eyes to snap open. I glanced around only to see I was in a pink room with a bunch of girly surroundings. I nearly fell out the bed trying to figure out where I was. Then I remembered that I rocked Brittany's world last night.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to fall asleep afterwards but all the controversy and work from the night before had gotten to me and here I was, lying on Brittany's bed with her head laying on my chest. Ew. We weren't supposed to cuddle. That wasn'ta part of the plan. I nearly puked from the sight.

Slowly I removed myself from her bed, allowing my chest to be replaced with a nearby pillow so Brittany wouldn't wake up. I grabbed my jeans and threw them on, followed by my shirt and my jacket. Glancing outside I could tell it was probably no later than 7am. The early morning sun was beaming through the window cascading a shadow on the floor.

I glanced around wondering if I should go out through the front door ort hrough the window. I really didn't want to bump into Brittany's bimbo parents and have to come up with some lame excuse so that they wouldn't kill me.

I glanced out the window and quickly put it behind me. There was no way I was going to jump out of a window and break my neck just because I was trying to avoid two very preppy rich parents. I sighed and headed for the door deciding that if I moved quickly and quietly, I'd be just fine.

I jogged down the stairs praying that I wouldn't bump into Brittany's parents. But knowing my luck, as soon as my feet made it to the living room I found two very concerned and angry parents staring at me right in the face. There they were, standing in the living room,one of them with a paper in his hand and the other with a coffee mug.

I smirked. Good thing I was a fast thinker, I knew exactly what I was going to do.

"Excuse me sir, but what are you doing in my house?" Brittany's father asked me. He was tall and well built, probably a wrestling champion in college or something. His brown hair was short and in a buzz cut.I wasn't checking him out but I thought it was funny how he was nearly bald. Shouldn't a rich man afford some hair?

Brittany'shot mom spoke next, her cleavage popping out of her shirt and her blonde hair up into a pony tail. I almost whistled at her and wagged my eye brows. Now I knew where Brittany got her hot looks from."Young man. What are you doing here?"

I stared at them imitating a very confused kid. "Que?"

They stared at me for a moment before glancing at each other and then back at me.

Brittany's dad cleared his throat. "Son, why are you here? Our daughter didn't tell us that she was allowing someone stay the night."

"No hable ingles."

Brittany's mom stared at me. I thought it was hilarious that they were both buying into it. They both thought I didn't know English. "Are you lost?" She asked me with a laugh. "Are you the next door neighbors pool boy or something?"

As racist as that was, I just smiled and agreed. "Si, yo no se. Me voy."

They stared at me, confused and wondering what exactly was going on. I waved at them then and without another word walked out their house.T hey didn't even bother to come after me. Well, I didn't know because as soon as I closed the door I ran for my car and pressed hard on the gas.

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