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I kicked him in the face as soon as he hit the floor. I felt no remorse after I pulled out my blade and put it against his neck, holding his head up by his hair. He owed me at least $1,000. Today's lesson: Don't buy six bags of crack if you can't afford it.

"Okay! OKAY. I'll pay you tomorrow!" He yelled.

I tightened my grip on him. Blood was gushing everywhere and I felt anger passing through my veins. This asshole better have paid me in the next couple days or I'd kill him. Okay. Maybe I wouldn't kill him but I'd make sure he wished he was dead.

He was already 72 hours late in his payment which meant that I was allowed to kick his head off and make sure someone else paid for his debt after he was dead. But I was feeling a little bit generous today. So I'd give him an extra day.

I let go of him so that his head knocked onto the floor as he choked up some blood. I looked away from him before nodding towards Carlos who was at the end of the street making sure the coast was clear. He walked over to me before glancing at the mess I had made. There was a lot of blood.

"You have twenty four hours to get my money Cabron." I spat at him. The guy was half way near unconsciousness on the ground. "If you don't have my money I swear I'll -"

Carlos grabbed onto my shoulder, I was seconds away from hitting the stupid pendejo again. "Dude chill out. That's enough."

I shook off Carlos's grip and sighed. "Whatever. Clean this mess up, and make sure George gets home safely."

Carlos nodded. "I've got it from here."

I gently punched him in the arm like I did to all my brothers. "That's why you're my primo. You've always got my back."

Carlos chuckled. "Yeah yeah, get out of here before you get all worked up again."

I walked away then, hurrying to my car so that I could get out of there. I had spent the last four hours handing everything dirty on the streets, collecting my money, dropping off some stuff at the warehouse. I was tired, I needed to relax. Better yet, I needed to unwind and get my mind off of these busy streets. It was a Friday night. I was supposed to be out enjoying myself.

I glanced at the time on my dashboard to see 12:47 am. The time alone gave me enough ammunition to go to one place and one place only. I smirked to myself before pressing on the gas.

I walked into Brittany's house as if I owned it. Good thing I had a change of clothes in the trunk of my car because there was no way I was going to walk into that party with a bunch of blood on my shirt. That's just dirty and my mom raised me better than that.

Brittany's house was like straight out of a magazine. It was huge and with way too many expensive decorations. In the living room there were lion rugs and huge sofas. Not to mention there was a painting of some guy on the wall. To me that was just a waste of money. But I guess if I was rich, I'd probably buy a bunch of useless shit too.

It was like as soon as I walked in the party completely stopped. I loved crashing parties. It almost felt like I was some big shot celebrity that everyone was surprised to see. I swear one girl spit out her drink as soon as I walked in. I almost died laughing.

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