The Return

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As I went to leave school later that day, a hand grabbing my wrist, pulling me back.

"Shh, it's okay."


"Just come with me."

Being a little taken back at the fact he was talking to me yet again, it's just - different.

He led me to the back of the school where his Range Rover was parked.

"We're gonna hang out."

"Why would you wanna do that, exactly?"

Sighing he walked over to me, standing incredibly close.

"Because I miss you, that's why. And I'm gonna make up for all the time we've had apart."

"People change. It's okay, and I'm not really gonna fret about it. So what if we live separate lives, we went different ways in life."

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"You don't get it, do you?"

"Apparently not. How about you show me?"

Later That Night

"No, no more!"

"Oh come on. All we had was dinner, we're seeing the movie! What are you, scared?"

A smirk slowly formed on his lips as he pushed his plate aside. I gasped, shaking my head.

"Me? Oh, never."

He pulled his wallet out, throwing a few dollars on the table and slipped it back into his pocket. Getting up from his side of the booth, he held his hand out to me. Taking a hold of it, I stood up and he led me out of the restaurant.

"What movie are we gonna see?"

"Whatever your little heart desires."

"Why can't we be more comfortable and watch a movie at my place?"

"Is that what you really wanna do?"

"No, I brought that up for the hell of it."

"Alright, alright. To your house we go."

We got back in the car and he pulled out of the parking spot, driving to my house. When we got there, my mom greeted us at the door.

"Justin, is that you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I had no idea you two still hung out, it's lovely to see you!"

"The same to you, Mrs. Teefy."

"What're you up to?"

Looking between the two, I chirped in to answer her question.

"We just came from dinner, and we were gonna watch a movie."

"Well don't let me get in your way. Have fun!"

She exited the room and we walked upstairs to my bedroom. A lot has changed in here since middle school, when we would come to my room to play with toys. He would actually stuff and hide his favorite ones in his book bag just to bring to my house.

I plopped down on my bed and Justin sat beside me, a little weary.

"Listen, I know it may seem strange that we haven't hung out in so long, but you don't have to act like I'm going to bite you." I said with a laugh.

"I'm not scared." He playfully rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. "If anything, I wasn't aware with how comfortable you would be." He said, glancing over at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's been a long time, but deep down, I know the Justin that's in there." I said, nudging my elbow against his arm.

He nodded and sat beside me as I was laying down. I grabbed the remote to turn my television on and began to look through movie after movie.

"What about that one?" He asked, laying down on his side, then slinging his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to me.

Trying to be sly, hm?


"That's my name!"

"We are not watching Shrek!" I said with a huff.

"And why not?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"For one, you told me to pick the movie. Two, we're not five. Three, next time when it's your turn to pick a movie, only then can you offer to watch it!" I let out a giggle.

"Really? You would want to do this again?" He asked.

I turned onto my back and crossed my arms over my chest, looking up at him. "What? Did you expect me to be scared of you? Reject popular Mr. Bieber? Would it feel better if I did?"

"Alright miss twenty-one questions!" He said. "Honestly though, I just didn't know if you would be okay with this or not. So I'm taking things one step at a time."

"Well, that is sweet of you."

"I'd like to make up for lost time actually, if you don't mind." My face scrunched into a goofy smile as I reached out and poked his nose. "Yeah."

"Yeah?" He asked, a sparkle in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah." I said with a smile.

Looking back at the television, we decided on a movie based on a true crime. Zodiac, which was almost three hours long.

We got under my covers and cuddled up as we watched the movie, and occasionally I would catch him drifting off. As long as it was, I wasn't expecting him to stay awake for the entire thing.

"Hey.. hey.." Gently nudging at his arm his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Shit... I fell asleep again?" I nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? You still have to drive back and I don't want you to be exhausted." I said, gently brushing a few strands of hair away from his face.

His signature quiff was currently a mess from how much he had moved around in my bed.

"I guess it's for the best." He sat up and sighed, running over his eyes.

When he got out of bed, I slipped out and walked over to my door with him.

"Call me if anything happens, okay?" I nodded. "Thank you, Justin. I never knew if I would have you in my life again, so on a way, I kind of am happy yesterday happened, or else this wouldn't have."

I glanced down at the floor and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow, okay?" He smiled softly and I nodded my head once more.

"See you tomorrow." He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek and left my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

I stood there in awe. Never did I expect to have a second chance by having my best friend in my life again, at the same time it feels like we were never apart. That instant click between us just like when we were kids.


Sorry it took four years for the next part. 😫 I honestly forgot this story existed, but I can be creative and make things work. I'm not really sure what my game plan was when I made this story, but I'm just gonna wing it like I do all my other stories. I hope you enjoy. ❤️

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