Chapter One.

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Jack woke up. He lifted his head to find Penny standing beside the bed staring at him. He put his hand to her cheek. "What's wrong Pen?" He asked her gently. "I had a bad dream daddy." He sat up wearily and held her hands. "You're still having these nightmares?" She nodded and he sighed. "The big grey man. He keeps chasing me, he's covered in blood!" She cried. "It's only a dream baby," Jack said squeezing her hands, "It's not real okay?" Her bottom lip shook, but she nodded her head anyway. Jack pulled her up and tucked her in bed next to him. Light flickered in from the city below, and through the heavy darkness he could see his daughters dark blond shining softly. A faint reminder of his wife. She and Penny were so alike. He turned away as pain swept through his chest. "I still miss you," he whispered.



It was a typical Saturday afternoon. I took Penny to our favorite diner across the road for lunch. We sat at our table and I ate while she pushed her fork around her plate, chatting about school, her classmates and especially about her best friend Roger. It was becoming a tradition for us. "Daddy, what do you do?" She looked up at me, her blue eyes sparkling. "What's my job?" She nodded. "I just work in an office honey, boring job," I chucked her under the chin, "what are you gonna do when you're all grown up?" She batted my hand away playfully and started singing a little tune, then belted out some opera in her high pitched trill. "Shh!" I scolded her, smiling. "That's what i'm gonna do," She grinned madly. "Well i hope you are a lot more successful than your Daddy," I told her. She begun hopping around in her seat excitedly, "Can we go play baseball after this?" I swallowed, clenching my hands a little. "No. I don't think so." "But why-" "I just said so okay?" I repeated firmly. Penny picked up her food and started eating, mumbling to herself.

I turned my attention to the television screen in the corner of the brightly lit room. Two waitresses seemed wrapped up in what they were watching, even ignoring a few of the customers complaints. "Can you turn it up?" I called out. When neither of them turned around, i shuffled out of my seat, throwing a quick, "stay there," at Penny. I stood in front of the screen. "It seems on the East and West coast, there has been an outbreak of an 'Unnamed' disease. Government officials say that the sickness in unknown, but will cause the inhabitant of the body to suffer extremely aggressive behaviour. We are not sure how one catches this sickness, or how its passed on, but we are aware that it is spreading-" "Move outta the way!" A burly man with a strong native accent and an angry red face shouted. Recollecting myself i turned up the volume on the side of the screen and sat back on the edge of my seat. I turned my focus to the anchorman again, "but folks, do not panic, we have been given the knowledge that this ordeal is being sorted out, and that scientists are working on a cure for this disease. Back to you Mandy." The news report ended. A dead silence fell around us. I spun my head around. The entirety of the room had their eyes glued to the T.V. "Why's everyone quiet?" Penny hissed. Then the whispering began at a low, slow tempo. "What is it do you think?" "I heard that the disease is spreading in the east coast, and that there is no cure, they're lying!" and suddenly the noise in the room escalated. "Don't panic! That's what he said, don't panic!" Someone cried. "What happens if you catch it? Do you die?" I stood up quickly, threw some money on the table, took a hold of Penny's hand and led her out.

"I don't know Jack, something real weird is going on." "I doubt it, it's probably just another virus that will eventually blow over," I sighed, looking over my shoulder at Penny. She was sitting at the kitchen table scribbling away in her colouring book. "You have a daughter, you have to be cautious of what's going on around here. She could get sick. You should probably keep her off school tomorrow." "You are being way too over bearing." "I'm not, I'm looking out for you. Jack, in the neighbourhood half the street have gone missing. This is no joke." I cut in, "I'm not saying it is-" "Yesterday, i watched an official looking SUV pull up outside old Mr and Mrs D's house. These men in suits got outta the car and looked around the neighbourhood. I'm pretty sure now it was to see if anyone was watching. I ducked down behind the window ledge. They dragged both of the old loonies out in body bags. Thing is though, they weren't dead. Not at all. They were kicking and flailing around in those bags and these men threw them in the back of the car. I couldn't of seen in if i'd tried. The windows were blacked out and i had ducked down real low." "Are you sure this isn't the mafia?" I snorted. "I'm serious. These SUVs have been paroling the neighbourhood all week." Turning away from Penny, I leant back against the wall, and rubbed a hand against my head. "What do mom and dad think about this?" I said quietly. "Well," he said almost inaudibly, "Moms dementia's been pretty bad lately. And Dads been too caught up in looking after her to pay attention to single thing i say. So, in answer to your question, not a lot. I drove down to the station today to explain all the going ons, and the cops just completely blew me off." "You're my brother John. You gotta stay safe." "Finally, you're understanding how serious this is then?" "Got it." "I'll see you soon then?" I asked. "See you soon." He hung up. 'What the hell is going on?' I mumbled to myself. "This isn't right." I straightened up, and went into the kitchen to join Penny.                                         

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