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Corals p.o.v
Hi my name is coral-lee Matthew, I'm 17 and I'm the popular girl. In my gang there is Brent,jack (my brother)Nash,Madison,Emily,aria,Hayes and me.I bet your wondering 'why don't you like being popular' well you see I'm only popular cause my dad is one directions manager (Paul) and my mom works as the vamps stylist and owns Gucci so there basically rich, also my brother started dating Emily (ew) so we both became popular.

Me and jack are twins and if you put us together we literally look like the same person but just a different sex that's all.
The whole popular things is shit. Madison chats shit all the time like one of her rules are don't be friends or date the kids that aren't in our group or popular but she's dating jack gilinsky the normal kid,
I wish jack(m) had never even started dating Emily she's horrible. The only people who I actually like in this gang thing is aria and the boys. Madison and Emily are just gang bangers.

Please take my advice if your in this situation. No I'm just kidding but I hate it.

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