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Corals p.o.v
I ran to arias and knocked on rapidly

"Hey coral shes upstairs" Mrs hale said and let me in "thank you"

I burst in her room to see her laughing at her computer

"What's so funny" I asked out of breath "watch this" she sniggered

It was a video of Madison and a girl lip locking, I burst out laughing, she then started talking "don't tell anyone but I'm bisexual" that's when I stopped laughing

"How did this get out" I asked aria "well that girl I think her name is Lisa tricked mads into trusting her and it got weird but she had a camera hid behind her clothes then posted it today" she giggle then burst out laughing again

"See you after school Mrs hale and aria" I screamed from the end of there porch "bye!"

I sat down on jacks bed and started playing drake, I love him and the only reason I'm on his bed is because were sharing a room until we start college, I think I might go for singing or dance, dunno.

@Madisonellebeer 'are you okay' I tweeted wanting to know if she had seen it

@coral-lee-Matthews 'come mine pls I need to talk to you ❤'
She replied, urhhhhh fuck you bitch

@madisonellebeer 'sure be there about 9, love you'

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