Chapter 3- A Possible Friend

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Swinging open on silent hinges, the door revealed a large, comfy drawing room with plush looking sitting benches, cushioned with some of the finest silk. Veronica's family was sitting on on side of the room while the Burkhart family sat on the other side, the edges mingling.

 Taking a deep breath, Veronica entered. "Ahh, there you are dear. Come." Her mother smiled, waving Veronica over next to her mother, who was currently pasting an incredibly tacky smile on her face to impress the Burkharts.

  Veronica plastered a smile on her face and daintily glided over to where her mother stood.

  "Veronica, dear, this is Lord Arnold, son of Lord Berchard." Her mother introduced, far too cheerfully for Veronica's taste.

  "Hello, Lady Veronica. How are you this fine evening?" Lord Arnulf questioned in a voice that hadn't quite deepened enough to be called a man's voice.

  Stifling a giggle, she replied, "Quite well, Lord Arnulf. And how are you?"

  "Fine enough now that I have met you." He wittingly responded, attempting to charm her. The sound of his voice again forced her to keep her laughter to herself.

  "Well then, I'll leave you two to chat. I must entertain your parents." Veronica's mother excused, leaving Veronica to deal with this strange man and that voice of his.

  "Well, I must say, you do look lovely this night, my Lady-"

   "Listen, it has been nice meeting you, but I cannot see it leading to anything between us, so can you please lay off the flattery?" Veronica interrupted, smiling and hoping that he wouldn't take it too personally.

  Arnulf's next words startled her. "Thank goodness. I was running out of compliments. If I had kept going, it may have gotten a little odd."

  Veronica smiled. He may just be viable friend material. "Why not get creative?"

Arnulf smirked. "Why, milady, a large head you have! Is it not all the better to think about shopping with?"

  Veronica's mouth fell open. Yes, he could definitely be a friend. But not without her getting him back. "Why thank you, my puffed up Lord. I think your head is perhaps just as magnificently large, if not bigger. I suppose it is like that to accommodate your ego?"

   They both collapsed into fits of laughter. Veronica noticed her mother looking at her approvingly, and Lord Berchard with a similar look for his son.

  "I think they are already counting the number of dances at our wedding." Arnulf whispered to her conspiringly, nodding at his father with a smile before turning back to her.

  "They may want to stop that useless act. I have no intention of marrying you, no offense."

  "None taken. I'm of the same opinion. I already have my eye set on a woman my dad does not approve of. What about you?"

  "Have no intention of getting married in at least the next two years."

  "Let me know how your parents will react to that news."

  "I may be disowned as their daughter."

  "Surely not!"

   "Oh yes. Unfortunately."

At that moment, Veronica's mother decided to play matchmaker and came to boast about how good a wide her daughter would make. "Well, you two seem to have had a good time. Lord Arnulf, did you know my daughter is excellent at sewing? She can blah blah blah, blah blah."

  Arnulf smiled patiently and told my mother very kindly that we had no interest in each other, and to continue to act like there was would be a large waste of time. "But we would like to get to know each other as friends."

  After a few seconds of looking disappointed, Veronica's mother slapped a smile on her face and nodded. "Of course. Now, would you like something to break your fast?"

  "I would love some, Lady Helena. I am absolutely famished."

  "Well then, wait till a servant comes for you. Twill only take a moment." Her mother answered, rushing off to have the meal prepared.

  "You do know she'll simply try to change your mind while we eat, correct?"

  "Oh. Oops "


"Well, surely you'll be there to help me."



At the last comment, Veronica smiled, slightly suppressing a chuckle. Just then, a servant popped her head through the door. "Milords, miladies, your meal is ready."

Arnulf turned to Veronica with a small hint of dread in his eyes. "Will you help me through this dark time, milady?"

"Of course, milord."

With that, they left for lunch.

So what do you guys think of Arnulf? I know i make perhaps too many characters sarcastic, but i wanted someone who could relate to Veronica. I apologize about the wait, but i have been out of this world busy with volleyball. Our took me this long to get a break! Vote, comment, enjoy! PS, i may update this coming week or the next, I'm not sure.


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