Worlds Top Master Chef At Your Service

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My weekend was spent as usual when at my mums: staying up until the early hours of the morning reading fanfic and messaging my friends, sleeping until the afternoon, and repeat. Only this time I spent a lot of it talking to Kellin and getting to know him better.

By Monday practically everyone knew about it but me. Liam's ex girlfriend had moved to another high school, and the new girl who'd recently joined their group was now officially Liams girlfriend. Remember, the girl who made me feel insecure just because she was THERE when we were at the fair? Yeah, her. She's a really nice girl actually, Im curious to know whether she has knowledge of Liams manslut issues. Maybe he's changed? I mean, me and him used to be best friends, but since we came back this year he's barely spoken to me. I suppose thats a good thing though, if I'd developed another crush on him I would be SERIOUSLY fucked. He's a fuckboy, there's no question about it, but he was my best friend, it wasnt possible for me not to fall for him after what he helped me through.

I cant remember what day it was, whether it was today or last week, but at one point in maths he actually spoke to me like we used to. He was on a different table to me, and there was someone sitting between us. Mr Treby asked for our homework and Liam said he hadnt gotten any, then he fished through his pockets and surprised himself by finding a blank homework sheet. He scrunched it up and stuffed it in his pocket while laughing and looking at me, he said "I didnt get any homework, shh!" or something like that, and I laughed with him. I felt that old familiar comfortability, that I always used to feel whenever I was with him, but that was the only time he's really spoken to me since before the summer holidays. People change, but sometimes its not for the better.

Today we've got Food Tech and we're making risotto. Noice. Almost everyone brought in their ingredients, but there were the odd 5 people that didnt, Kellin included, but he was forgiven on the promise that next time, y'know now he has actually JOINED THE SCHOOL, he'll bring his in.

Im such a lost and lonely puppy in Food Tech I swear. I was turning to the girl next to me, Holly, who's always given shit because she knows what she's doing, and asking her what the fuck I was supposed to be doing.
The boy opposite me, Harry, was just having a casual conversation with me, while we both made the same mistakes because we were both distracted. He's an alright guy, not my type though. I laughed at him "I am what you amateurs would call: A MASTER CHEF!!!" I declared, causing him to laugh. I turned to Holly "K what in the fuck do I do now Holly!?!"
Harry bursts out laughing "100% legit master chef!"
I stuck my tongue out at him. "You know it!" I turned around once I'd cut up my onions, because I was sobbing. Damn onions man. I noticed Kellin glowering at Harry, who was oblivious to the death stare. I laughed and waved a hand at Kellin, his gaze switched to me and his eyes softened, but he still looked grumpy. I pouted at him and gave him puppy eyes until he laughed, then I smiled and continued with my cooking.

Kellin has basically joined my friend group now, everyone loves him, not as much as I do though. In PE he's pretty stuck now, because he doesnt hang out with guys, but he's got Jake as a mate now, which is cool beans. In drama I was given a HUGE part to read out, as we're currently reading through the original Dracula script, and even though I protested, I was very much forced to read aloud infront of the entire class. I sometimes hate my life. This is one of those times. My part was coming up faster by the second, and I knew that. I looked around nervously as I was merely sentences away from where I had to start reading. Mine and Kellins gazes locked, he smiled at me and gave me a reassuring thumbs up, he mimed the words "You can do it!" obviously sensing my nerves. I took a deep breath and started reading out loud. Eventually my part was over, Kellin smiled widely at me and mimed the words "You did great!"
I smiled at him and mimed the words "Thanks dude!" And he just winked in response.

In science Kellin has to sit next to Ellie, directly opposite me. Basically, someone else was supposed to sit there, but that dude LITERALLY got expelled, so that was the only space left. Its totally coincidental that Kellin was asked to sit there. Its not like I hinted at my science teacher to make him sit opposite me. Nope. Anyway, we had to make our own glue and stick some sticks together. As the substance we made was white, I made countless sperm jokes, leaving Egg and Kellin pissing themselves laughing, and me laughing at them as they fucked up parts of the experiment because they were laughing so much.

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