Dont Cry...Craft

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Yesterday was absolutely amazing. I ended up falling asleep with Kellin for about half an hour, until his crying woke me up, he was crying in pain. I hugged him and kept telling him things would be ok, that he'd feel better soon and I'd always be here for him. He drifted in and out of sleep for a couple of hours, looking worse everytime he did. I was so worried about him. After a few hours Kellin told me he felt much better, but I could tell he was lying, and he should probably get back home. I hugged him for about five minutes straight, knowing I'd miss hugs like this when I'd be going to my dads tomorrow, and knowing it would help Kellin stay strong. I let go of him to say goodbye and smiled up at him, knowing that if he sees Im being strong he'll be strong too. Soon after that, he climbed out of my window and snuck back into his house, we messaged eachother until we both fell asleep.

This morning I woke up to a message from Kellin, which surprised me, as he never messaged me before school, so I knew something wasnt right.

Kellin: Im not gonna be in school today baby, I was throwing up all night and my mom says I'd be better off staying out of school. I'll miss you. <\3

Me: Awh! I honestly dont know whether I should be super jealous of you being allowed off school right now. My mum would probably make me go to school with ebola. Im so fucking worried about you! I'll miss you too Kels, but dont be sad, I'll see you again on Monday! :) <3

Kellin: But Monday is so far away! Dont worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll miss you more baby. ;) <3

Me: Oh shush, Monday isnt that far away! Trust me, I'll miss YOU more! :P <3

Kellin: Its too far for me dammit! And no you wont, thats not possible! ;) <3

Me: I'll see you on Monday Kels, I gtg get ready for school and shiet, SOME OF US dont get the day off!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <333

Kellin: Haha, ok, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <333

And with that I jumped out of bed and got ready for school.

I've been worried sick about Kellin basically all day, and today seems to be oddly quiet without Kellin here. I cant imagine living without him in my life now, how the fuck did I manage it before!?! I have no idea. Anyway, at lunch me, Jazzy Jeffacakes and Egg all sat on the field as usual, we were just eating, when this boy came over. He's in the year below us, and everyone knows him as Psycho Steve. He, for some unknown reason, thinks we're friends with him. He's always in trouble for doing stupid shit, and my friends and I are just too polite to say "Fuck off!". He just joins in our group sometimes, without asking, and annoys us, but since Kellin started hanging with us he's left us alone. But today Kellin isnt here. Fuck. We tried our best to ignore him, but of course that didnt work. He threatened Jazzy and slapped her across the back with his tie, then me across the arm, then he kneed us all in the head because we were sitting and he was standing, and finally he stole Jazzy's water bottle. My friends got up and started running away from him, but I stood, or rather sat, my ground, so he came over and poured the contents of the bottle on my head. My ipod was in my blazer pocket, and it almost broke, I was DRIPPING wet, my hair was sticking to my face and my blazer suddenly weighed a ton. I honestly wanted to run to the toilets and cry, but I didnt. I started telling people what had happened, trying to get them to help me, to make things worse when I told Liam he just laughed at me and ran off. Thanks. Great fucking friend you are. I felt like complete shit, and it out me in an awful mood.

After school, instead of walking home with my friends, I went to the office to collect my change of clothes from my mother, who was waiting for me there. I got changed and walked out of school after collecting my things from my locker, then my mum dropped me off at my dads friends house, where I would later be picked up by my father. Im going to my dads this weekend, incase you'd forgotten. As soon as I was at my dads friends house, her name is Janine, I strolled into her living room and flopped on her sofa, greeting her briefly. I just wanted to be alone and drown in my sorrows.
The way my dad reacted when I told him what had happened made me want to cry, he said "Tell him that if he ever touches you again, I'll be in to sort him out, and if I come in he'll know about it!" And he was thoroughly enraged. I was so happy for those few seconds. The one person who actually cared enough about this and how it had affected me, was my own goddamn Dad. I love it when guys are like that, protective, I just find it really sweet, especially if a girl has been traumatized and the guy promises her it'll never happen again and he'll keep her safe, that sort of stuff means a lot to me.

Once I was at my dads house, I grabbed my tablet and DM'd Hannah.

Me: Hey wifoo bæh, I feel like complete shit rn. A little dick came and poured Jazzy's water bottle ALL OVER ME, I was fucking drenched, not kidding, not in a good way. I was laughed at. I feel like complete shit, I just want to cry and forget about it. DX <3

Wifoo: Awh Heather face! What a fucking ass! Kellin has been messaging me constantly, asking about you, are you ignoring him for some reason that I must know about??? :O <3

Me: Haha, no, Im not ignoring him, Im at my dads and I dont have kik here. :( <3

Wifoo: Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Do you want me to tell him to DM you or something? :P <3

Me: No, Im in a shitty mood. D: <3

Wifoo: Im sure he can cheer you up tho! :) <3

Me: Its not that, I know he could, but I dont want him seeing me like this and feeling hopeless because he cant help me. He doesnt know about my dad and that stuff yet. Also, messaging him now would just make me miss him more than I already do, and Idk if I can handle that. :'( <3

Wifoo: Awwwwh wifoo! You havent told him about your dad!?! :O <3

Me: Nope, he's never asked. <3

Wifoo: You should tell him tho, he deserves to know, he cant help you unless you tell him whats wrong. :) <3

Me: I guess you're right, but I cant message him now anyway, I've gtg have dinner. You can tell him if you want, but just give him a brief description. Dont mention the EXACT things that Kylea has said to me, or the EXACT things I did to myself because of what she's said, I'll tell him that stuff in my own time. I gtg now tho wifoo bæh, luvoooooooo, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <33333333333

Wifoo: Ok, I'll give him a brief description of your life story. Have fun wifoo bæh, luvooo toooo, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <333333333333

Then I turn off my tablet and run up the two flights of stairs to my bedroom, leaping onto my bed before I start crying. I was lying, dinner wasnt ready yet, I just needed some time to cry and feel sorry for myself. I wonder if Kellin will stay with me, even with all the baggage that comes with me? I guess we'll find out. Fuck. But a few minutes later I was called down for dinner, so I pulled myself up and wiped my eyes, sniffling loudly, before saying the words that would cause me to burst out laughing:

" Dont cry...craft. "

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