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Soo Jin POV

I scoffed as I walked outside to the back of the library.

"So the fence goes all the way around. No way in hell I'd do this by myself.", I mumbled.

"Hey you can't be here during this hour!", a voice shouted and I sighed.

I noticed someone tossing killed infected over the fence. He had dark hair wearing a tank top, jeans and gloves. How one man can toss them that high is a mystery to me.

"Hey did you hear me?", the voice said closer.

They grabbed my shoulder and aimed my gun to their forehead. My eyes widened as my older brother stared at me with his mouth open.

"Jinnie?", he said.

"Mark?", I smiled and put my gun away before hugging him tight.

"Oh god I'm so glad your okay.", he whispered as he embraced me.

"What are you doing here?", he asked.

"I should be asking you that.", I retorted and he chuckled.

"The outbreak reached the college and I had to get out of there. That's when Sehun found me.", he told me and I looked behind him as the guy.

"Who's he?", I asked motioning to the back fence.

"Ah that's Mika. He doesn't speak much. He was the one who made the fence.", he told me.

"Yeah by himself. Sehun mentioned and it ended in an argument.", I frowned.

"I see. How'd you get here?", he asked and I sighed.

"We got separated from the group. Sehun, Takuya and Tera found us.", I explained.

"Who's we?", he questioned.

"Karam. He's inside. He sided with them so here I am.", I shrugged.

"Oh. Well like I said you shouldn't be out here at this hour.", he said grabbing my arm.

"But he is.", I pointed at Mika.

"He's okay with that. He tends to be away from everyone else. When were all eating together he'd get food and go up two floors to be by himself.", he told me and I frowned.

"Maybe that's how he's dealing with the outbreak.", I said.

"Maybe. But come on dinner should be done by now.", he smiled and we walked inside.

I took one more glance at Mika before going inside.

"Dinner!", a woman's voice shouted.

I walked in and everyone got quiet.

"She must be one if the newbies. Look babe don't touch my whiskey and you live.", one guy said.

"Don't call me babe or speak another word to me and you live through the night.", I retorted and he gazed up at me.

"Well damn.", he mumbled.

"See you can't talk to everyone any kind of way Jason.", the woman sneered.

He scoffed before going back to his food. She fixed me a plate and smiled at me.

"I'm Sera. Tera's twin.", she stated and I nodded.

"This is Soo Jin. My baby sister.", Mark told everyone and they all greeted me.

She began preparing another plate when Mika came in.

"Did you wash your hands?", she asked him and he nodded.

She handed him his plate with smile and he nodded to thank her. We locked eyes for a second before he walked out.

"Eat up kiddo.", Mark said to me.

I began eating but I could still feel someone staring at me. I looked up to see Karam give me a small smile which I returned. I was silent the entire dinner and Mark nudged me.

"I'm not really hungry. I think I'll just go rest for a while.", I told him and he nodded.

I asked Mark where a spare bed was and he lead me to his room. I stood confused as I eyed the two beds.

"Why do you have two beds in here?", I asked and he shrugged.

"Just a spare so I kept it in here. You want me to move it or you sleeping here?", he asked.

"I can sleep here. That's fine.", I said.

"That's cool.", he smiled.

"Hey where's Karam sleeping?", I asked.

"In Takuya's room on his couch. Takuya offered.", he told me and I nodded.

"Alright.", I said and he sighed.

"Just go talk to him Jinnie. He just doesn't want you to get in more trouble.", Mark told me and I nodded.

"I'll talk to him in the morning.", I yawned.

Mika walked part the door and made his way up the stairs.

"Where's he going?", I asked.

"Like I said he keeps to himself. He stays up on the 5th floor.", he said and I nodded.

He handed me a blanket and I made myself comfortable on the bed before closing my eyes.

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