Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"So you're saying you're psychic?" Trey asked as we walked to school.

"I dunno, I think so. Maybe that's why I've been having nightmares, they tell me what's gonna happen." I told him.

"Yeah, but that could just be a coincidence."

"But it might not be." I stopped walking and faced him. "Think about it, I had a dream that there was gonna be an earthquake. Then I had a dream that there was gonna be a tsunami. Guess what happens?" I didn't wait for his reply. "Japan has an earthquake and then a tsunami afterwards." I tried to convince him.

"Okay, but that's it."

"No, no. There's more. I was getting a lift from Kyon yeah, and I saw a car coming towards us innit? But it werent f'real f'real, it was more like a strong hallucination thingy. Then when Kyon turned the bend, the exact same thing I saw previously, became a reality. Now that can't be a coincidence." I said.

"Okay, so you're psychic." He carried on walking and I followed. He jumped over a pot hole in the pavement.

"Yeah, but I don't like the word 'psychic'. I like...okay, lemme think." I paused for a second and tapped my finger on my chin. "How about unique?"

"Unique..." Trey echoed. "Well everyone knows that you're unique already." He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I could smell his Lynx deodorant.

"Aww thanks."

"No probs. So anyway, how 'bout we leave the condom and have a psychic baby?"

"WHAT?" I stopped dead in my tracks and pushed him away from me. "Are you mad? Have you been smoking some of the weed you sell on the corner?"

"No! Why would I do that? That's 'erbs being wasted!"

"Okay then! Anyway, there's something I didn't tell you." I admitted as we carried on walking.


"Well, I had a dream about you."

"Aww, and I had a dream about you too babes!" He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah but it wasn't a good dream. I had a dream that you would..." I couldn't get the words out.

"I would what?" He asked, seeming more intrigued.

"You would..." My throat became dry. I swallowed.

"Tell me babe." He urged.

I took a deep breath. "I had a dream that you'd get beaten up. Not just regular beaten up. I mean leave you in hospital in the intensive care unit fighting for your life kind of beaten up."

"WHAT?! Nah man, that ain't happening? Since when did Trey Coleman ever get murked? I got back-up, you get man? I don't have no enemies out there that'll rush me!" He announced proudly.

"Then why did I get that dream? They beat you up so bad. There was so many of them and it felt so real. I could almost feel the pain you were going through. The worst thing is that I was right there. I was right there and I couldn't help you cos they - they held m-me back." Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Hey. Don't cry babe. I'm gonna be fine, don't worry 'bout a thing. Tonight I'm gonna amke you feel special, ain't nobody gonna stop me from doing that." He used his thumbs to swipe the tears off of my face.

"OK." I sniffed.

"Come here." He put his arms around my body and hugged me.

"You're such a good boyfriend."

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