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I have died everyday waiting for you.

Time has brought heart to me I will love you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more.


  His heart raced fast as Oikawa arrived to the nearest hospital, panting he fixed his composure and walked in. Arriving at the front desk, he approached the lady;

  "Hi, I'm Oikawa Tooru, and I'm looking for a Iwazumi Hajime?" He tapped his fingers on the desk nervously waiting. The lady scanned through her list,

Iwazumi Hajime Room: 223
Diagnose: leukaemia
Available for visitors

  "He's in room 223 you can go in, just take the elevator to your left and press floor number five and you'll see the door," she gave him a visitors pass and a sympathetic look, "he's quite the fighter honey," she looked at him with a sad smile. Oikawa nodded and headed towards the elevator, with a million thoughts run through his mind the brunette walked to the elevator with his hand hanging low.

Time stands still.

Iwazumi looked at the sky from his window.

As an ace, my fights and victories were in the sky

  He clenched his fists tightly, then released them, "my fight is not of this world," smiling sadly he picked up another paper and began to write out his letter, despite of how weak he felt, Iwazumi was determined to finish his letter for Oikawa.

  Pausing he looked outside, he had requested a room with a big window so he can see the sunrise and sunsets. It was getting late and the sun began to kiss the land good night by spreading its beautiful colours of yellow, blue, purple and black. It was beautiful way to end his day.


"Wah!! Iwa-chan look at the sky!" Oikawa smiled and pointed the beautiful colours that set the sky on fire. The brunette danced around the field and laughed.

"It's really beautiful"  Iwazumi  smiled and grabbed the setter's hand kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, beautiful like me" Oikawa smiled sticking his tongue out. Chuckling he poked the ace,

"Shut up, trash" The spiky headed boy said throwing his head back and laughed.

"So mean!" He chased the spiky headed boy around the field, running around laughing till the sun went down.


  Not noticing the door had opened, Oikawa's breathe was talking away, at the sight of his lover watching the sun go down. Trying his best not to cry at the sight, he walked in,

  "Iwa-chan..." He made his way toward him and pulled a chair sitting next to the weak ace. Iwazumi began to look a lot more pale, the lack of sleep caused him to have bags under his eyes and the puffiness under his eyes caused by the sad tears that fell from Iwazumi's face. Oikawa buried his face into the sheets of ace's bed, unable to hold his tears anymore he cried.

"I'm so sorry Iwa-chan, god, I love you so much, our fates can't end like this," Oikawa reached out and held the ace's hand, "please fight for me." His voiced cracked, hot tears fell from his eyes and landed on Iwazumi's hand.

"Baka, calm down," Iwazumi took a deep breathe, "I've spent so many years with you, you've always made me smile, I know I vowed to defeat everyone so that we could go to Tokyo, but being with you is even better than that, and even though you have a shitty personality and you tend to over think things, I still fell madly inlove you with." Handing Oikawa a CD and his last letter, he smiled.

"What's this Iwa-chan?" He wiped his tear taking the CD and letter. "Read it when you leave okay?" Iwazumi said taking in a deep breathe.

Drawing his last breathe he smiled.

"I love you Tooru"

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