The Speed, The Fun, The Game

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Date: 04 October 2917
Three bikes speed across the empty, grey landscape. In a blur of red, blue, and green, the bikes are relatively soundless.
"I love just riding around," I smile as I'm laying down inside my bike, my arms up controlling the handles. The screen has the speed and a map, much different from when the Game goes on.
"It is, I agree," Margo says as her green bike pulls up beside mine, the ground providing a smooth track.
"I think Gryff wants to race ya," James says as his blue bike speeds past. I shake my head and laugh as I up the gear. 245km/h and increasing. Suddenly, Margo flies past. Here goes, I think as my bike kicks into full blast, catching up to my friends. I blast through between them, laughing as I do so. Everyone joins in. We slow the pace, and as we arrived where we want to be, a cliff before the Big City. My hatch opens up as the fresh air greets me. I swipe my hair up to the side, and wait for my friends to join me.
James gets out first. His brown shaggy hair is never messy, and I hate him because of that. He's a bit taller than I am, but it doesn't matter. He's one of the greatest friends out there. James is a great guy.
Margo stands beside her bike, her black curly hair is in a ponytail. I have some height on her, but it isn't much.
Everyone smiles.
"So," Margo says. "Do we have to go to school?"
James chuckles. "I wish we didn't have to. I love this," he says as he turns to the canyon we just came from.
"Hell, I'd do this all day!" I mention, smiling ear to ear. "But, my place is free. What'd ya'll say?" I open my arms wide and nod, and my friends nod along.
"We party all night!" James jumps in the air, throwing his fist up.
"LightBikers stick together," I say as i head back into my bike, and go slowly down the ramp, back to the deserted city streets.
I hate the streets. There's rules on speed, and there shouldn't be. I guess the authorities haven't been in a bike yet. I smirk at my own remark.
Being a LightBiker is pretty fun. Think, you go out against other people and try to beat them up. However, Ben, James and I really are an "odd bunch" at school because of what we do. Come to think of it, if something goes wrong when we hit a wall, we're dead, so we risk our lives every time we step on the Board.
We all follow each other until we reach Ben's place. The house is white, along with all the other houses. There isn't much colour, mainly because the government controls all. It's located close to the canyon where we race, and even to an abandoned LightBike Board! Ben unlocks the door, and the inside looks much better. Hardwood floors and colorful pictures are all throughout.
"Go ahead," Ben motions to the couches. "Make yourself comfortable."
I look at James, and ask what one he wants. He shrugs his shoulder as he sits on the nearest one. I find one and lay down. I'm still surprised that my jumpsuit is comfy even though it looks like it's squeezing my organs to bits.
Suddenly, the house is filled with music. James gets up and starts dancing, and falls to the floor laughing.
"Who wants a drink?" Ben asks as he throws a neon green liquid bottle to both me and James. It must be alcohol, but, I'm real chill about it. After all, the three of us normally crash while partying anyways.
We all open the bottles in unison, and we hold back a laugh.
"To all Bikers," Ben raises his beverage.
"To the speed," James chimes in, raising his as well.
I shake me head and smile. It's our little tradition, if you can call it that. I always finish it off.
"For the never ending thrills," I say as we chug back whatever. And we dance the night away.
Date: 05 October 2917
The chirping of a bird and the shining of the morning sun makes my eyes open. I look around. Ben lays in a chair, his arms draped over the side. Margo lays on the couch she claimed, curled into a ball while holding a bottle. I guess I decided the floor. I get up and walk - stumble - to the washroom. With tired eyes I flick on the blinding lights. I look at my hair through squinting. It isn't too bad. I wet my hands and pat it all down.
I walk out, and my friends are up, rubbing their eyes.
"What time is it?" Margo groans, rubbing her eyes.
"I have no idea whatsoever," I say, flopping back down on my chair.
"What happened?" Ben sits up, not seeing the bottles everywhere. "I can only remember racing the two of you." Then, his eyes widen. He sighs, and says, "We need to clean this up."
So, Margo and I do as we're told. In a couple minutes, everything is thrown away.
"Shit!" Margo says. "We have ten minutes until class starts! And we don't have our uniform on!"
Smirking, Ben disappears. I look out the window. My bike is still there. I turn back, and Ben holds up two of his own school uniforms.
"You'll fit," he says as he throws one to me, and the other to Margo. "Now, let's get changed."
It's funny that the three LightBikers of the school have all the same classes. It's Monday, but I don't think anything of it. I only care about what happens after.
We have science last period. I bite the end of my pencil, looking up at the clock. The teacher, Mr. Gord, is talking about plants or some shit. I glance at Margo, who sits three seats away from me, and smile. She knows what I'm thinking.
I then nudge James, who sits next to me.
"Ready for after?" I smirk. James laughs quietly.
"Fuck you," he says jokingly. I look back at the clock. The seconds are counting down.
15... 14... 13...
I pack up my binder, zip everything up, and wait silently.
"Before you go," Mr. Gord says, "can the Bikers stay back?"
The bell rings. Everyone leaves. Except for Margo, James and I.
Margo moves to the seat next to me, and we look up at Mr. Gord, his towering figure showing that we had done something wrong.
"You three cannot be late anymore," he says, his voice stern, his tone demanding. "If you are late, you will be out of this class. Understood?"
We all nod our heads.
"Thanks. Dismissed," he says. We get up. "Except for Ben."
At this point, I'm just walking out the door when I turn around.
"Wait for me," I tell my friends as they walk out. I take my seat again. The room is quiet, tense with whatever Mr. Gord is going to say. I hear the hallway door shut, marking the leave of my friends.
"What style is your bike?" he says, and I'm taken by surprise. Did something happen to my bike? I think as I picture my baby with a huge dent in the side. But, I answer my professor.
"Model C chassis, Type B tires, Type F wheels," I say. "Why do you want to know?"
He sighs. "Do you want to see a Model G chassis?" he asks.
"Where?" I say
"At my house," he says. "Come tonight, and I can show you it."
"But, I can't," I say. "I need to practice-"
Mr. Gord cuts me off. "I'll help you three," he says. "Where's the Board?"
"Old stadium. Follow the canyon, and we'll be there. 2100, no later," I say. Mr. Gord smiles.
"Perfect," he says as leave the classroom.
My mind is spinning. My science teacher, a guy who hates my group with all his life, is a Biker?! I still can't wrap my head around that. I walk down the main hallway, as I pass by a group of girls. I smile at them, and they give me disgusted looks back. I shrug, and keep walking. A Type G bike! I'm excited, but I don't want to spoil it. They'll love it.
As I unlock my lock, I still can't comprehend that there are other Bikers. I thought that my group was the only ones in the area.
I look at my phone again. 2:50.
"What could be taking Ben so long?" Margo asks, rubbing her eyes.
"He could be getting in shit," I say, laughing while I do so.  Then, Ben walks out. I get off my bike, and fold my arms.
"Took you long enough," I say.
"Meet me at the Board, both of you," Ben sounds eager. "2100, no later."
I shrug my shoulders and get into my bike, and the hatch closes behind me. I look back at the school, and Mr. Gord stands outside, looks at us, smiling. I dismiss it, because it could just be my imagination.
"Ben," Margo says. "What are you hiding?"
"Just want to face off against you guys," he says. "It's been forever."
"We were there yesterday," I say. Ben must've forgot due to the drinks.
"We were?" Ben asks. "Well, let's go again," he says. "We are entering into a tournament, aren't we?"
"True," I say. "We do need practice."
Margo sighs. "Guess we're all in agreement."
We each split our separate ways. Ben heads off to the right, his red bike leaving a blur. Margo takes off left, the green standing out against the houses. I keep straight. I can't stop thinking what Ben is so eager about.
I love the feel of the jumpsuit, how the veins display whatever colour I want. In my case, it's red since that's the colour of my bike. I walk outside, and see my bike, all red and beautiful, standing out against the boring scenery. The hatch opens up. I climb inside, and get myself in a comfortable position. The hatch closes, and everything boots up. I rev the motor and take off, disobeying the limits. I turn sharply, and head to the Canyon Run.
Once I'm on the uneven terrain, I take off, immediately hitting 200km/h. I want to be there before anyone else.
The motor is near silent, only people outside can hear its hum. It's a neat sound, and it'll always stay with me.
The Canyon Run (as it was once called) used to be a race track before the Ban in 2890. It's 2917, and not many people care about it anymore. The corners are always a thrill, no matter how many times you run the track.
In no time at all, I reach the Board. I slow my bike to a halt just outside the entrance. I climb the ladder, and into the Arena. I run up to the control booth, where the main power switch turns everything on; Board, lights, and all. I'm always marveled by the image of the blue grid surrounded by walls that take the colour of whoever is closest.
I run back outside, and I'm surprised to see James and Margo standing at the gate.
"So, we're here," James says. "What's going on?" he asks.
"You'll see," I say as I can see a bike off in the distance hurdling towards the Arena. I climb down, and stand by my bike. The bike skids to a halt. Margo and James look at the bike uneasily, not sure of who it is.
The bike looks like a classic Type A, except the hatch can be distinguished from the chassis. The front tires and wheel design are typical Type A, but the back doesn't look like it has tired or wheels! It is split into three rings: the ends are the wheels, while the middle creates the wall. The colour of the bike is black, while the windows are white, along with the bottom chassis.
The hatch pulls back. Inside, Mr. Gord sits inside. He steps out, and looks at the three of us.
"Mr Gord?" Margo asks confused. "What...? How..?"
Mr. Gord smiles. "Well, it's nice to be back," he says, his voice soft compared to his normal hardened voice. "This is a Type G bike. They stopped production since the Ban, but I kept mine. I was a Biker until the rules got updated and changed the game. I played, but I couldn't win. You guys, however," he points to us, "can win. I'll be your instructor. Any questions?"
Everyone gawks, even I do.
"Let's get started!" Mr. Gord says as he gets seated back into his bike. I open the gates, and get back into my bike. I go ahead slowly, and I make my way to the Board. I make my way to the middle, and get out, waiting for everyone else to do the same.
"Alright," Mr. Gord says. "Let's have a face off. You three against me."
"So, a free-for-all?" James asks. Mr. Gord nods. "Shit," James looks down at his feet. I smack his back, and smile reassuringly at him. I climb back into my bike.
"Computer," I say once my bike is parked, facing the center. "Initiate countdown, all bikes." A countdown from five appears on my monitor. A map of the Board, the locations of my friends and instructor appear in the top right. At the bottom, at the left is my boost meter, in the center is a series of special moves my bike can do, and to the right is my jump height. I look straight ahead. Although it looks like I can only see a small portion ahead of me, I can see 180 degrees along with "mirrors". The timer reaches zero. Immediately, my wall is activated, and I take off, trying to catch up to James.
"Bike, boost," I say, and I'm lurched forward as the secondary motor kicks in for the time, and I feel like superman. I match all the same turns he does. Suddenly, a wall of white appears in front of me, but I can't react in time. The nose of my bike hits it, and I'm whipped around as my bike tumbled across the Board. I'm on my side, and I continue to watch what's happening. Mr. Gord is gaining quickly on Margo. I don't see any blue wall, so I guess James took a tumble as well. Mr. Gord passes Margo, and turns sharply. Margo tries to turn, but her bike slams into the wall, and the game is over. The hatch opens up, and I climb out. Mr. Gord sits at the center of the Board, a smile on his face.
"Shall I ask?" I say.
"We have work to do," Mr. Gord says as he walks to the stands, and we follow him.

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