Practice Makes Perfect

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Date: 15 October 2917
I lay down on my bed, exhausted from literally everything. School's been bringing the homework, and I'm not sure if I can practice as often. The stress tonight was insane: we all played against each other in a 1 v 1, and now it's close to 2am, and I haven't gotten sleep in a couple days.
I can't close my eyes. Every time I do, I picture myself up against some of the toughest LightBikers in the world, and right out of the gate, I fall victim to a wall. Getting whipped around is not fun, but, no sacrifice, no victory.
I don't even realize I fall asleep, since birds chirping makes my eyes flutter open. I drag myself out of bed, and sit down on the nearest chair.
"Morning darling," my mom says, her back to me, cooking up something. My brain is still sleepy so the smell doesn't come to me. "How'd you sleep?" she asks.
"I slept good, ma," I reply, trying not to sound tired.
My mom turns around, and looks shocked. "Margo," she says sternly. "You look awful."
"I'm fine," I say, pouring a glass of juice.
"I think we should sell that bike of yours," my mom goes back to cooking. "It's what's making you tired."
That sets me off. "So, lose my greatest friends, miss out on all the fun?!" I can't stop myself. "Just, not show up and they hate me? Yeah, sounds great!" I storm out of the kitchen, and out to the garage, where my beautiful green bike rests. I open the garage door. The light from the new morning sun casts a picture perfect reflection off the bike. I smile. I love this thing. It's practically my little hideaway.
Once I feel like I've cooled down, I walk back into the house. On my plate is an omelette, with spices and even some sauce. I smile, and dig right in, flavor shooting into my mouth. I can't wait for tonight.
I walk down the halls, and to most, they don't glance at me. I don't care. I head to my locker, and throw my bag in.
I love how nobody cares about anything. They're like robots. They just do what they're told.
As I walk to class, I see Mr. Gord. He looks at me, and smiles a little before walking away.
I've gotten better over the weeks where Mr. Gord has led them.
I find my class, and walk in. Time for a long day, I think as I take my seat.
Finally, science comes around. I walk in with the majority of the class, and take my seat. Mr. Gord looks at the class, and smiles. I mean, why should he be smiling? I should be smiling because of how much better I've gotten. I twirl my pencil just as Ben walks in.
Mr. Gord gets up out of his chair, and walks to the board. The board turns on with a little hesitation, then, the class starts.
"Today, ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Gord starts. "We will be talking about light." The air gets tight. "More specifically, hard light. Can anyone tell me how it's made?"
Immediately, the three Bikers shoot their hands up. Mr. Gord shakes his head.
"I have a form to give you," he says. "There's something special, it's a secret. Bring these forms back to me and we can go." Mr. Gord starts handing out the sheets. I get one, and it has his contact info along with the following:
Dear parents/guardians,
I have planned a small surprise for the children as they have been a great class so far, and this is for my own appreciation. It will not be far from here, only a couple kilometers from the school. You have my contact information below, but do not tell your child about this. Thank you!

I look at Ben's, and back at mine. I look at the person's sheet behind me, and I realize that my sheet is the same as Ben's, and different than everyone else's. At the bottom, it says :be ready to put on a great show.
"Looks like he wants us to get out there," Ben whispers to me. "And be real big."
"I don't think we'll be good enough," I whisper back.
Mr. Gord pull out a wall generator and plops it on his desk.
"Can someone tell me what this is?" No one raises their hand. I'm sure the group can, but we aren't.
"No one?" Mr. Gord questions. He shakes his head in disappointment. "This is a hard light wall generator from an older contraption. If you flick on the switch," there's a click, and the wall generator hums to life. "And move it, a solid wall of light will appear." Just as he says, a wall of green light appears on the desk. The class stares in amazement.
I don't know how fast time has gone from the demonstration and explanation of how the generator works, but when I look up, I'm shocked. The class is almost over!
"Everyone, remember to get the sheets signed," Mr. Goes says as the bell rings. As a habit, Margo, Ben and I stay back.
Mr. Gord turns his attention to us.
"Ready to put on a show?" he asks.
At 2000, I'm at the Board. Mr. Gord is already outside and waiting. I slow to a halt, and I see that Margo and James are there as well.
"Tomorrow night," Mr. Gord says. "You will be playing an actual Game."
"What?!" Margo sounds surprised. "Like, other people?" Mr. Gord nods, and we all stare in fear.
"This is your last practice before the test," he says. "Your whole science class will be watching, so, let's get started."
We all hop back into our bikes, and continue onto the Board.
Once we get to the center of the Board, there are three empty shells, each of them purple.
We all get out, and look at them. They are a sleek purple. Every shell has their details outlined in a different colour; red, green or blue. Each one also has a different logo where the back of the first wheel should be. The one with the green outlines has a black dragon, who has his back turned, on an orange background, kinda looking like fire surrounded by a black circle outline. The one with the blue outlines has a sky blue dragon with his head up in the air, surrounded by a frenzy of light blue and white make up the background within a gold circle. The body with the red outlining has a sword outlined in a light orange with a black background with small dots of white.
"What are these?" I ask, seeing no chassis underneath the shells.
"These," Mr. Gord says, smiling, "are your Game shells."
"But, our shells don't come off," James says as he looks at his bike. Mr. Gord smiles.
"These are supposed to strap on to the body, and they won't come off. Observe," Mr. Gord says as he picks up the shell with the green outline and walks over to James' bike. Then, Mr. Gord just puts it overtop, and the bike shimmers, and the green shell is nowhere in sight. It's just the purple shell.
"What happens is there's a special chip implanted all over the shell so the bike knows what it is," Mr. Gord explains. "The game shell is now like the default green shell. If you want it off, just tap the logo." Mr. Gord taps the dragon, and the bike shimmers again, and the purple shell is detached from the green shell and can be taken off easily.
"Let's go, everyone, find your colour and put it on your bike," Mr Gord says as he steps back to his own bike.
I pick up the one with the red outlines. It's super light! I walk over to my bike, and put the game shell overtop. In no time, the game shell is secure. I look back. All of our bikes are now the same sleek purple.
"Let's get to work," Mr. Gord says as he slips back into his bike.
I like this mode better than the death match; we work as a team instead as individuals. We're running the training simulation for tomorrow's Game. The Board expands to fit the maximum players; twelve. I'm still nervous for tomorrow, though, no matter how much I practice with my team. We've done every A.I difficulty except for one: Legend.
"Do you think you're ready for the challenge?" Mr. Gord asks from the booth above.
"We ready guys?" Ben asks. James nods, and without thinking, I nod as well.
"We're ready for it, sir," Ben says, his voice echoing. Mr. Gord doesn't look too happy about the decision, but, he sets the field up anyways.
Once we're all ready inside our bikes, the computer loads the enemies, and it's the same simple red, green and blue. The only difference from before; they're the hardest you can get them.
There's the countdown once more, each second feeling like a millennia. I look at my comrades; I am on the left, Ben in the middle, and James on the right. I can hear my motor get up to the speed I want, and once my display is free, I take off across the Board. Almost immediately, I'm surrounded by walls. I love how it's like a maze, except one wrong turn and you're done for.
"James, Margo, defense," Ben says. "Back to start, Y form."
"I'm in a bit of shit here," I say, trying not to sound annoyed. "Could use some help!"
"James, take left, I'll get right," Ben instructs. "Take out the red, I'll take out the green. Let the others battle it out."
On my HUD, I can see the different colours and how many are left:
Blue: 1
Green: 2
Red: 2
Purple: 3
"Are we actually winning?!" James says as he sees the same thing I do. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see James going after the green bike. I look at the map. There's only one wall ahead of me, so I'm clear for jumping.
My bike launches up, and hits the Grid with a hard thud. I let out an umpf, but I keep going. I know that if we win this, we can beat the competition tomorrow.
I look around from my standpoint off of to the side. Blue is gone, and there's only a handful of the other colours left. We still have the lead, but if one of us gets eliminated, then tomorrow, that person will be the first to go.
Ben is being chased by both green, while the last red goes after Margo. Decisions, decisions, I think as I wonder who to help first. Ben is up to his neck with the green, but, I leave him. This game is about numbers if it's like this. I take off from my little safe haven, exploding down the Grid.
"Need a hand?" I ask Margo as I cut in front of the red bike. I don't need to look in my mirror to know that he hit the wall.
"Thanks," she says, almost like she's panting. "What next?"
"I think we win," I say, watching Ben maneuver his way in front of the green bikes. Then, he disappears.
"What the hell?" Margo says as she can't find our friend anywhere. "Where'd he go?"
"I'm here, bitches," we hear him say through the comm under his breath as he reappears where the left bike should've been, and rams into it, hard. The force knocks the left green bike off balance, and it crashes into its teammate. However, the bike stabilizes from the hit, and is after Ben again. It's an unfair 3-v-1, but should I intervene?
"Let's go," I say as I take off down the Board. "Margo, take left side."
"Got it," Margo says as she pulls up beside the enemy bike and pressing it against Ben. I speed to the front, where I activate my wall, and through the mirror, watch as it cuts the bike clean in half. The three of us ride to the middle of the Grid, and emerge victorious.
"Well, you conquered the hardest," Mr. Gord says as he stands up. "I think you're ready for tomorrow."
Another set of clapping hands arises.
"Excellent work, you three," a mysterious voice says. It sounds like a man, no older than 70. "What is your team name?"
"They don't have one," Mr. Gord says. "Who are you?"
The figure slowly makes his way down the shadowy aisle, down the the Grid. The light from the Grid lights up his bodily features. As he approaches, we all drop our jaws. It's Jonathan Weyland, the Founder of LightBike!
"Greetings, sir," Ben, Margo, and I say in unison. Mr. Weyland smiles.
"I saw how you preformed," he says, sounding impressed. "How old are you?"
"17," Ben says. "We aren't out of high school, sir, so we're breaking so many rules. But, I love it."
Mr. Weyland seems shocked. "And you preform like that?! I expect that from a pro!"
"Thank you," I say, flattered. I never thought we'd make it out of it.
"I have a name for you, and I'll give it to you on one condition," he says, clutching his cane.
"What is it?" Margo says.
"If you win tomorrow, and all three of you are still up, then, you shall have your name," Mr. Weyland teases.
"Of course," Ben says, and smirks. "We will."
What the fuck did I get myself in to? It's half an hour before my - our - first match. EVER!John Weyland is giving us a name if we win. And that if is huge!
My friends sit in my living room, just staring at the bowl of food that sits between us all.
Finally, Margo breaks the silence. "What would our name be?"
Again, we're silent. The air between us is tense. We don't know what to do. What do we do? We're so inexperienced and we're going up against people who have way more experience handling in these situations. Nothing ever is right.
"I don't know," I say blandly, staring at a spot on the floor.
"This isn't going to end well for us," James says as he's the first to reach for the snack.
"We'll be fine," Margo says, trying to smile. "I mean, we beat the hardest difficulty! That's a start!"
I lean back. "That is true," I say. "I don't think anyone else could've done it."
"Well, we have been breaking the law since god knows when," James says, sitting back down. "We can do this thing!"
The phone rings. I reach over and grab it, and just answer it.
"Hello?" I say.
"Ben. It's Mr. Gord," Mr. Gord says, his voice sounding a little distorted. "It's time. Go for a couple warm up laps around the block, and try to relax. Trust me." My mentor hangs up.
"Let's go," I say as I walk out to the garage where my gorgeous bike lays. I have the game cover off, so I put it back on. James and Margo have their covers already on.
"Just do like we did last night," I say, hopefully inspiring. "Help out the ones in need, and we'll be great."
I get into my bike, and rev the engine. I hope everything turns out well, I think as I take off down the street.
The minutes feel like forever. Part of me is itching to get on the field and kick ass, yet the other part wants to drive somewhere else because it knows we're going to lose.
"Last lap," I say. "Everyone ready?"
Surprisingly, my friends answer quite cheerfully.
"What the hell are we waiting for?" James says, excitement replacing the fear that has been there before.
"Let's do this bitch!" Margo says, and I can picture her smiling when she says that.
"Well then," I say, a smile stretching out my face. "Let's go!" 
I turn my bike around, and take off towards the Canyon Run. My friends follow me.
Once we're halfway, Mr. Gord's voice comes through the headset.
"If you can hear me," he says. "Activate your walls now."
First, James to my right activates his wall, the glass-like substance perfectly straight. Then, Margo activates hers.
"Here goes," I mutter as I activate my wall, and suddenly, I get a surge of energy. As we approach the Board, I find it hard to swallow. There isn't just my science class, but rather the seats are filled!
I turn off my wall, and the others do the same.
"Guys," James says. "I think we need a big show tonight."
"Hell yeah," I say as I lead my team onto the Grid. Just as practiced, we go to the wall that is closest to the gates. We all get out, and the crowd roars. Then, on a raised platform in the middle of the Grid, Mr. Weyland shushes the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he says, his voice not sounding like it's young for his age. "Welcome, to the first Game played after the Ban." The crowd roars. "We have four teams from the region."
I look around. The team to the left of us is white, with simple Type A bikes.
The next team over is black with yellow wheels. Their bodies are Type B. Apparently the two flaps at the top provide more aerodynamics.
The last team is a turquoise body with pulsing black stripes. The bodies are Type E. I have to say, with the glass being white and the six exhaust pipes turquoise and black, it looks great.
Mr. Weyland continues. "On Edge 1, we have Team Phoenix." The three members take their right hands and beat them over their hearts.
"At Edge 2, we have Team Zeolite." Again, the crowd roars. The three figures wave all around.
"At Edge 3, we have Team Verison." The crowd doesn't seem to die down. The three figures just stand there.
"Then, finally, at Edge 4-" Mr. Weyland gets cut off by the crowd. All we can do is stand in awe and shock. Are we actually doing this? I ask myself.  The rest of the
Once the crowd settles, Mr. Weyland takes a disk off his back, and holds the flat end to the sky.
"Let the first Game begin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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