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"Wake up!" I shifted my weight to the side and lifted my eyelids just enough to see my mom standing at the mouth of my room. And when I say mouth I do not mean it as my door, because my brother crashed his motor bike into it and I was temporarily without a door.

But temporary is a strong word.

"Are you kidding me? I woke you up an hour ago, and now because you're so stubborn and lazy you have 5 minutes before Isaac picks up!" My mom slammed a pillow on my face, before she leaned down to kiss me on my forehead,"but good morning," she whispered in my ear.
She has done that every morning since I was 2.
And it made my day.
I was dressed , ready, makeup and all, within 10 minutes. Good thing Isaac was late.
"No, you have to take the root of 100 before you can multiply by pi," I said as we rode up the elevator together.
"It's funny we spent 5 hours studying this and I still don't get it"
"Ya, hilarious," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
My families apartment was one of the two on the 7th floor. The narrow hallway was unusually quiet. Eerily quiet. I shrugged as we stepped of the elevator, and I softly knocked on my apartment, to warm my fellow family members that we were coming in. In case, you know, they were running around naked.
Which has happened.

I open the door, and stood there, my apartment, dilapidated. Nothing of what used to be, was there. It appeared ransacked and desolate. Windows shattered, but intact as if someone had thrown someone on it, but managed to not break it into pieces. Bookshelves once lined with collectibles, books (believe it or not), and photos, were gone, torn and crushed. The couch was splattered in dark red, gloomy and heart-rending.
I was unable to move, in awkward silence with Isaac.
"Mom?" I yelled, steeping in broken glass and tattered clothing items thrown everywhere.
"Mom!" I quickly panicked, gaining clear view of what has happened here.
I forget about everything. About Isaac at the door, the room in pitiful shatters of what was. I needed to find my family.
I feel defeated. Ultimately destroyed.
I run and through the violently shattered pieces vehemently. Sad, angry, confused.
I turn to the hallway corner and that's where I see them. All piled in a corner.

My mom.
My dad.
My sister.
My brother.
Indignant. Without rescue.

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