Chapter 12

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"Hello class. My name is Mr. Payne and I'll be your year 12 Math teacher this year."


*Emily's POV*

Wow. This daydream is crazy. I almost thought I heard Liam say he was my teacher.

"Emily!" I heard someone yell my name, snapping me out of my trance.

"Funny story. I almost thought I heard our sub say his name was Mr. Payne. Can you believe it?" I laughed.

I hadn't realized that my best friend was staring at me as if I was crazy.

"Em...... that is Liam." She said.

I looked up to see Liam looking at me almost as hard as I was looking at him. I didn't know whether to scream or cry.

Liam can't be my teacher. Its just not.....right.

I needed to get out of there. Fast!

"Um excuse me Li- I mean Mr. Payne, can I use the bathroom." I asked, cringing at the fact that I just called my boyfriend a mister.

"Y-yeah sure. Let me just write you a pass." He said.

I was surprised that nobody found it strange that the new teacher didn't have to ask for my name.

Liam handed me the pass and nodded his head, hoping I would catch on to his hint. I looked down at the pass to see the small note he scribbled on the back of the pass.

"Text me asap. We need to talk." It read.

I quickly ran to my locker, taking out my phone, so I can text Liam.



Not even a whole minute later I got a text grade.


-Em. Calm down. I was gonna tell you. I thought I was going to be teaching 10th grade. Please babe don't be mad. We'll figure it out. Just come back to class. I love you Xx.

I couldn't simply "calm down" because news flash my boyfriend was now my math teacher! I decided not to text back and return to class.

Once I reached the class I opened the door and slid my pass back to Liam, not even bothering to make any eye contact with him.

It wasn't that I was mad at him, I was just mad at the situation as a whole. A rush of questions went through my head.

How am I supposed to act at school now?

How do I separate school and my outside life?

But the biggest was definitely..... What if somebody finds out that my teacher is my boyfriend?


The final school bell rang and I made my way to my locker. Since it was the first day of school, no one had to stay after school so the hallways cleared quickly.

I was walking out of school when I passed by the main office. I saw Liam talking to the Principal of school.

"So how did the first day go? " I heard the principal say.

"It'll take some getting used to but I'm not complaining." Liam replied.

"Well I heard a few students talking about you throughout the hallways and heard nothing but good remarks." The Principal continued.

"That's good to hear. Thank you sir." Liam said.

"No, thank you. Welcome to the team Mr. Payne."

I couldn't help but cringe at the last words of the principal. I realized that I was hiding behind a post, listening in on their conversation so I quickly made it seem like I was just casually walking through the hallway.

I was about to make it to the door when I heard Liam whisper my name. I looked back and nodded at him, telling him to follow me outside.

Once we reached my car I got in immediately, in hopes of not being seen. Liam got into the passenger seat.

"So..." I began. There was clearly tension in the air.

"Em-" Liam began, reaching out to hug me.

"Don't." I simply said.

"Babe what's wrong? Why are you so upset?" He asked.

"Did you really just ask me why I'm upset? Well here's why. My boyfriend just so happens to be my TEACHER now! Now do you see why I'm upset?" I yelled.

As soon as I finished yelling at him I felt bad. I don't think I've ever yelled like I did. Liam is extremely sensitive and looked like he was going to cry.

"Liam I-I'm so sorry." I stuttered, tears begin to run down my face.

"Don't cry love. Its gonna be okay. We just have to be careful alright?" Liam said, pulling me into his chest.

"But what happens if somebody....finds out?" I asked.

"Then we tell them the truth. We were together before I even got this job and we'll be together long after." He said.

"Fine whatever you say Mr.Payne." I smirked.

"That's gonna take some getting used to." Liam laughed.

"Why? I think it's kinda hot. You know this is gonna make our relationship ten times better. It's like a soap opera, all hot and forbidden and dangerous." I winked.

"Oh my God. This is going to be interesting."


Authors Note: Heyyoooo! So I know it's been like a decade since I updated but I'm back! Idk what happened man I just wasn't inspired to write anything but that's changed.

So school's out and the boys are in America aka my country and it's the best thing that's ever happened. All these shirtless pics have probably been my inspiration.

Aww. I've missed doing questions so here's this chapters question!


A: I personally think it's the hottest thing ever. Yeah I know there are consequences but let's just enjoy this k? Like they're grown ups and they can do whatever their little hearts desire.

So VOTE/COMMENT/FAN do whatever.

-Yazmin. :)

My Best Friend, Lover And......Teacher? (Student/Teacher & Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now