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"Liam, can you come and play with me?" Little Emily asked

Liam looked to his left at his friends who were waiting for him outside and then looked back to Emily.

"Hey Liam! Are you coming or not?" Andy shouted from outside

"I'm sorry Em, I'm too old to be playing with you. Maybe another time." Liam said glumly as he walked out of the door to join his new friends

Emily was devastated that day. Her best friend left her to go and play with his new, older, 14 year old friends leaving an 8 year old, vulnerable Emily behind.

Liam was almost 14 and would be starting High School once this summer was over. All he wanted to do was fit in. He would do anything even if that meant not being able to play with Emily anymore.


*5 Years Later*

"Liam, I'm going to miss you so much. Do you have to go?" 13 year old Emily asked

"Yeah I'm sorry. I have to go to college. But don't worry I'll be back for all the holidays and over summer!" Liam said

"Promise me one thing?" Emily questioned

"What is it?"

"You won't forget about me even though you'll make new friends?"

"I promise." Liam replied

"I love you Li." Emily said

"I love you too Em. Don't get into too much trouble without me." Liam said

"Won't make any promises."

"Bye kid." He said

"Bye grandpa!" She said

Liam hugged Emily and then got in his car to start a new journey in the real world.

Emily felt like that young and naive 8 year old all over again. Her best friend was leaving her, again. But this time she knew that it was for a good reason and she just had to accept it.

"I love you.....I wish you loved me the way I love you." Emily whispered as she saw that Liam's car was nowhere in sight anymore.

She closed the door of her house and slid down. She had to keep it together in front of Liam but once she realized he was gone, she broke.

She just had to watch her best friend leave for college without her. She always wished she was older so Liam could love her like she loves him.

Since she was 12 and got out of that "boys have cooties" stage, she realized her love for Liam. From his perfectly brown eyes to his incredible smile, everything, she loved.

Liam's sister, Nicola, was her same age and also her best friend. They had known each other all their lives.

Nobody knew about Emily's love for Liam. Not one soul.

Emily decided that when Liam graduates from college, she would tell Liam everything. She'll be 17 when he returns which means she will nearly be an adult so maybe, just maybe, her chances with Liam will be a bit larger than they are now.

Until then, Emily is just going to wait.

And wait.

And wait.


A/N: Like it? Tell me what you think! It's just a prologue because I wanted to show where Emily is at in her situation. The next chapter will be in the present. Should I keep it in the 3rd persons POV or make it in the characters POV's?


My Best Friend, Lover And......Teacher? (Student/Teacher & Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now