The Bang Heard Around The World

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Niall's POV:

"Father, could you possibly play ball with me at the park?" I asked hopefully he had time for me.

"Not now son! I'm busy with my theory! Go play with your friends from school!" He replied from the other room.

Just great, I thought it be amazing to have a father that is famous for his work, but no. It's depressing not having someone to bond with. My brother Greg moved to University, so no bonding time with him.

My mother is the only one that has time to bond with me, she's has taught me a lot about cooking and how to treat a woman right, but that won't be a problem for me.

There is nothing I could do today. It's the weekend and Liam is out of town. My mother is out to get food which I'm really excited for. What? I like to eat food. Food is my love of my life. 

As I walked to the kitchen I see my father about to leave.

"I'm going to the lab, son. I will see you later tonight for dinner." He said as he headed to the door.

That's all he does. Goes to the lab for hours, sometimes won't even come home til the next day. 

I must dread staying home doing nothing, but watch telly or play some video games. I’m not much of a gamer, so I try not play as much. I love to sketch a few things here and there, but right now I don’t have the inspiration to draw anything. It’s always the same damn boring routine I’m always in. Wake up, get dress, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, go to school, get picked on, go to the park for hours, come home, eat dinner, brush my teeth, and go to bed.

Always the same damn thing. I wish something out of the ordinary would come… but that never happens in Bradford.

Ring ring

Ah, it’s Liam, now he can end my misery of boredom…

“Hello? Liam?”

“Hey my little Nialler! How is everything going in the boring town of Bradford?” Liam laughing thought the phone. He knew I hated when he called me little… I might be short, but I’m Irish, leave me alone!

“Ugh, Liam you know how much I hate you call me little, you over size bimbo.”

“Love you too, little Nialler. Ha ha”

“So how is big London for yah?” Wishing he could of taken me with him rather for me being here bored during the weekend.

“It’s going… eh. Miss seeing my little Ni! Well, Nialler I must go now! I was just calling to see if you didn’t die on me yet ha! Love you man, I will you Sunday night. Don’t start any trouble while I’m gone!”

“Ugh, I hate you so much. See you Sunday pal. Same goes for you little twat.” As I said the line went dead. Oh that bitch, he hung up on me before I said little twat…

Ugh, now what to do? Look at porn? Nahh, most likely my mother would come back from shopping and catch me once again watching porn and playing with um… a sex toy…

Hey don’t judge… I’m a growing seventeen year boy…that is single. I need something to pleasure me…

Speak of my mother; she walked through the door with a bunch of groceries.

“Need any help ma?” Hoping she will say no, because I damn too lazy to get off the couch.

“No, I got everything son, where is your father?”

“Do I truly need to answer that question?” We know goddamn where he is…

“I guess not…How long have he been gone?”

“He left a few moments after you left for groceries.”

My mother didn’t like it when he went to the lab as well, because most likely he won’t be showing up for dinner. And always missing family nights, that was special to my mother. She loved family nights. Her, father, Greg, and I, all playing board games, tell jokes, and just bond. I miss that…

We haven’t had many family nights, since my father started that stupid theory…

“Niall, it seems like I forgot to get spaghetti sauce for dinner. Mind if you go to the store and get it for me?” Ugh, I have to go out?

“Yeah…I guess.” Ugh what the fuck Niall?! Why can’t you just say no for once? Because I love my mother that’s why…The things I do for family…

Time to go out and get that darn sauce… Good thing the store is only a five minute walk to where I live…Told you small town.

“Hey faggot! Where are you going?” oh fun, Destiny, that ratchet twat that likes to pick on me during school.

“No where you need to know, ratchet ass.” With that I just walked away. People like her…I… I just want to stab myself…

I got the store to get the damn sauce. Just right before I got to pay for it…The earth shook an earthquake? In Bradford? Impossible….Then I heard the bang. Looking out the window to see what was happening. I saw smoke coming to the direction of my father’s lab… Oh shit…

 I run as fast I can towards the bang and smoke. As I got there, the lab was totally trashed. My father outside staring with anger, yet sadden written on his face.

“Dad! What happen here?!” I yelled loud enough for him to hear me. He turns to see where the yelling was coming from.

“Niall, what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here…It’s too dangerous.”

“But father is everything okay? Is anybody hurt?!” Sometimes my dad can be so stubborn…Now I know where I get it from.

“Everything is fine…We were doing an experiment with the theory and it just got out of control and blew. This weird cloud filled with darkness came out, but vanished moments later. Everything is fine.” That’s was all my father said, before returning to the lab…well what’s left of it…

I can tell everything wasn’t fine…


“Here is the sauce, dad isn’t coming for dinner tonight…”

“Son? Are you okay? I heard an explosion! Is everything okay?”

“Yeah…the explosion came from father’s lab, but everyone is okay. No need to worry.” I lied. I didn’t want to make my mother worried. I knew my dad wasn’t fine… He seems a bit scared of what he was doing.

“I’m just going to lie down. I’m not much for dinner.” As that I went upstairs to my room.


“All alone…” a devilish voice. It was dark; I couldn’t see anything…Only a pair of red eyes… The laugh of the devil.

It was coming closer and closer…I couldn’t see his face…

 I wake up screaming and sweating…What was that? Then I heard the screaming of a girl coming next door.

What is happening? This is a not a normal thing…

It was only the beginning…


Ugh, sorry for the longest wait for this update...And sorry it was quite short. I didn't know how to start the first chapter, but I hope you enjoy it! Soon you will see the shadow figure so called Zayn. :) xx Comment, vote, or whatever you want to do. Love you bitches. xx 

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