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[Sonic's prov]

Ever since two weeks ago, I've felt a strange presence. It feels like the same one at the graveyard. But the worst part is that my sickness is getting worse.

Sometimes in the morning when I wake up, I automatically start coughing up blood. And if I hold it back, it goes through my eyes and ears. Sometimes when I fall down my body gets penalized and if Amy is gone I stay on the floor unable to move a muscle. And stuff gets worse from there.

Tails tried to find a cure for me but all he figured out was that I have some unknown disease with no cure. And that I'm going to die! This is a deserter.

So here I am writing my will. I give my dog Muske and any scrap metal to Tails. Tails I hope you take care of yourself and Muske and hope with the scrap metal you can invent something awesome. I give Knuckles all my money. Knuckles you really need a house. To Vinella, Cream, and Cheese my house including my garden. Cream I hope you always stay sweet. To Amy I give my pictures of me and my friends. Amy, never stop chasing your dreams. And the of my friends can figure out what they get.


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