Chapter 6

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Hermione pov:

Professor mcgonagall took us to our rooms.
She stoped next to a wall next to which dumbledore's portrait was hanging. "Albus Dumbledore" she whispered.
A secret passage opened from the walls. A tunell lead us to the prefects and heads common room.
From there my room was the first one towards left and dracos was next to mine.
My room had walls with Gryffindor wallpaper. My bed was bright red in colour and my pillow was gold in colour.
There was a cuision by the fireplace which was black in colour.
Portraits of dumbledore and godric Gryffindor were hung in the was above the fire place.

Then..the bathroom..unfortunately I had to share my bathroom with draco.I don't trust him yet...better not to tell Ron about the bathrooms

Draco pov: I took a small nap . After an hour , I got dressed up into my uniform and left to the Great hall.  I observed that Hermione had already left.
All heads turns towards me when I entered the great hall. Many heads turned towards me. People were drowning and staring  at me with anger  and hatefulness.
I could herd people murdering about me.
I went and sat near my friends.
"Drakie! Where have you been all this while??" Said pansy.
Uh..I hate her.
"I was taking rest" I said.
"Oh ..I missed you!" She said
She leaned forward to kiss
I moved away.
"Look.I don't love you. You are just a friend. Just someone  I know. Stop irritating me. I will never like you" I said with a tone of irritation.
Tears began to come from her eyes.I don't care.

Mcgonagall brought the first Years near the sorting hat. There was sudden silence in the hall
"I want you to wear the hat one by one as I call out your name. Very soon you all will be sorted into houses" she said.
I could remember how nervous I was even though I was pretty sure I was a slytherin.

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