on the run

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hey readers sorry for the like no talking last time that wasnt fair and it was short. im working with this other writer named StephhGRo go check her out and her story thanks

i plunged into the flames.............

I could feel the flames burn my skin but I couldnt feel the pain as I ran up the stairs. Adams room was right across from mine so instead of going to get him i went into my room to grab some clothes and some things. I could hear him screaming my name so i ran to his room. There he was sitting across the room from me trying to get the flames on his shirt to go out.

"adam are you ok" I said.

"of course im not, stuiped" he snaped. well i thought that was rude but i gusse he was in pain still dont got to be a ass man gesh. O ya I have to get him out of here. god im slow today, snaping back into foces i ran over to him beat out the flames and scooped him up pulling him into my arms. Man i like this werewolf thing adam was normally kinda heavy but he felt like a feather right now i ran from our house and into the woods running as far from the hiuse and to the lake so he could cool his burns. i was there in record time i swear it was like only seconds before i was in the wood tossing adam into the lake and jumping in after him to check his wounds. After finally draging adam from the water i put him in the grass to rest

"emylee were are we going to go now" said adam with a sad expression i didnt know what to tell do i tell him that i thought about them but decided to let them stay? yes i do.

"uhhhhhh i dont know why dont you go to sleep. I promise nothing bad will happen"i told him. Man was i wrong. adam looked at me and nodded. soon after talking adam passed out from exhaustion of the day and lack of sleep i tried to follow him into sleep but all i could think about was how i lost my pare ipod hahah you thought i was going to say parents hahahah ya right my ipod had all my fav songs on it waaaa ah now im sleepy finally i laid down bored with nothing to do i curled up to adam and drifted off into sleep with another dreamless night

when i awoke i heared adam start to move i opened my eyes to see that it was still night time my gusse that it was about 3 or 4 in the morning and there was snow on the ground all around us but i couldnt feel cold I turned to look at adam to see him curled in a ball shriving trying to warm himself "adam you cold" i asked he turned his head slowly towards my his lips were blue he slowly nodded his head.Crap what am i going to do know alls i grabed was clothes for me and about 100 bucks. i could go to a inn or somthing but if i did someone would find us and turn us to social workers and hevans knows i dont want to go there i mean im a freaking wolf with fur who would adopted me thats right nobody. Omg im soo stuiped im a wolf that means i have hair like some i could cover adam to keep him warm with stuiped emylee"hey adam want to see somthing cool"he slowly nodded i jumped up and took a step back "noe adam watch this but dont get scared" he look scared all ready but just nodded again i slowly tryed to work my self up to get my self mad thinking about my phone my money my ipod all burning to nothing. thinking about that got me pissed like super pissed i mean thats my stuff grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....i opened my eyes and i did it i turned back into a werewolf yes woooooooooo. scaning the area i sall adam looking at me shocked.i couldnt help but laugh at his expression but it sounded more like a bark. I walked slowly over to adam a licked him in the face. I heard him laugh and smile so i layed down next to him still really really tired since he woke me up i felt him snuggle into my back and stop shriving so i closed me eyes and went to bed knowing he would ask qustions in the morning and i would have to be ready to aswner him.



sorry nother short one this story was boring me till next time bye

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