Chapter 10

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"Now hold still, okay?" Dr. Armstrong insisted.

Today was finally the day. I had my schedule all planned out like an organized little girl scout.

9:00 - get cast off 

10:00 -3:45 pm - school (bleh) 

Rest of the day - get back to surfing

For what seemed like forever was finally over. I'd soon be in the water, catching every break possible. But, sadly, it's a Tuesday, and school is first.

"This'll only be a minute," Dr. Armstrong assured me, as he readied the blade to cut it off. I'll be honest, I was pretty nervous. If the blade would cut me, or if my leg would look different. I read online that those things can happen. It wasn't doing me any good, so I looked up at the ceiling right before he started. The sounds of the blade roared, and soon I felt a vibration hitting my leg. I looked down to see. A line was formed by the blade, cutting down the outer area.

I continued to watch after the first half of my cast was gone. I suddenly felt air on my leg. The second half was gone. I kicked my leg slowly, testing it. Dr. Armstrong smiled and put his blade down. "Care to try and walk?"

I smiled and hopped off the chair, careful not to let my left leg hit the floor yet. I let it touch the cold floor, and I walked slowly towards my mom. She smiled and giggled out of excitement. I joined her in her joy.

I was normal again. No longer the girl with the cast. Not anymore that girl who drowned. Now I'm just that new girl who surfs.

I was already late for classes as it was, and when I got to school, it was my free period with Kianna. She texted me and said that she was waiting in the library. We usually met out in the hall, but we only had twenty minutes out of the forty.

I walked down the hall en route to the library. It felt so good to walk normally. But I honestly dreaded running for gym.

Kianna was waiting for me by the classic section of our library reading Shakespeare. Again. She obsessed over Hamlet after we discussed it in English. "Ki," I whispered, had my body hiding behind the racks.

She jumped up excitedly and screamed. I expected our librarian to shout at her but she had her break, thankfully. "It's off!" she tried to whisper. I laughed as she scanned my leg. "I can see your leg!"

We continued laughing as she pointed out more facts about my leg.

"You can surf again," she said at a more serious tone. I nodded smiling like a crazy person. I could surf again. It's all I thought about. It was the first thing I was to do after school today. "Take me with you!"

I laughed along with her and nodded it still hasn't sunk in that I could walk again. When I sit still, I still felt my leg wrapped up.

Kianna and I roamed the halls, skipping, running, even, 'Beatles Walking' if you will, testing my leg. Kianna went wild, a teacher even came out and suggested to join the current gym class. We laughed like hell. It reminded me of our New York days.

There are seven other students who share free period with us. They followed us to the halls like always, so we capitalized on the situation.

They walked in two small separate groups around the halls, back and forth. So, Kianna and I got some plastic bags from the janitor's closet, put them on our heads and crawled around following the groups. When they turned back wed stop and stare at them. It was hard not to laugh. Some even got annoyed and went back to the library.

It sucked big time when the bell rang and a stampede of students came rushing out of ever door while we followed two girls. We got up and took off the plastic bags and left for lab. We were first in the classroom so we sat together for a while until Kianna's partner came. That was kind of sad.

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