PROLOGUE: In the beginning you may just think this is a war story but its more than that it's a story of twins forced to fight against eachother in war.
Chapter One: we were sitting at the table eating our eggs and toast. when soldiers come marching in and yell"GIVE US ONE OF YOUR SONS!"they chose me because I was the most hardy out of the two. Soon after my brother wrote me a letter telling me that he was token by the other side I cryed that whole night .
Chapter Two: Today is our first battle I really hope I don't shoot my brother he said he would write to me after the battle if he was still alive."BOOM!" Went the first shot which followed by a return fire and played out for a good 7 hours the other side retreated into the woods we have won this battle . My brother wrote to me and I get a very good out line of what happened in their point of view I sure hope we make a peace treaty
To Be Continued.....