My Gym Teacher Just Tried To Kill Me. I Can Feel The love

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"Hey Ash"
"Sup bitch"
"What's up GURL, you looking fine"
Those are all the statements thrown at me when I went outside to the middle of the road where detention was held. THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. I just rolled my eyes and sat down far from everyone. In a galaxy far, far away.... I sighed and put my headphones on as I waited for that idiot Mark to come join me. I have no idea why he, of all people, got detention. He is a perfect student.

I hummed along to only the best song ever by My Chemical Romance, Welcome To The Black Parade. (A/N-Omfg yes, that's my shit) It was almost summer. No more school, no more Jem, and no more stress. Finally. My mom said I could drop out when I was 16. Just until next Halloween. Yes.

I smiled at myself as I saw Mark and waved. Something was wrong. His face said it. His face said to run. I turned around quickly to see a old, rusty, and red truck driving straight at me. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't. My body started moving without me being even the slightest bit aware of what I was doing. I'm totally in the Matrix. I suddenly rolled to the side before the truck hit me. It drove straight into a tree. Thank gods it was the tree and not me. I could feel sweat trickle down my forehead as people stared at me.
"WHAT YOU LOOKING AT?" I yelled as Mark came as fast as ,well, a Mark can.
"Are you okay?" He asked a nervous aura around him
I simply nodded and looked over at the car, where my overweight gym teacher was stuck. "
"Hey, kids, get me out" he said "the car went crazy"
I stayed still and brushed myself off when Mark said silently "we have to go now, Ash grab your stuff"
"Go where?"
"Somewhere safe, call your mom, tell her CHB, she will understand" he says watching the gym teacher
I, being the complete and utter sassy person I am, raised a eyebrow and put a hand on my hip "Mark, tell me" I warned
"ASH I MEAN IT" he hisses grabbing my arm
"Oh Miss Flame, come here" I heard a voice say and turned to see my gym teacher "you and I must have a small talk"

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