Chapter 2

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Wow! I still can't believe my mom considered it!! Man, I hope she'll accept whatever I choose. I was so happy that I lost track of time it was now 6:30 pm and I had to be back at the diner at 7:00 pm." I'm going to be late!" I ran to my bathroom, took a quick shower,  got out ,got dressed, comb my hair, put on my sneakers and grabbed my bag. I ran to my motorbike and drove to the diner. I got their just in time it was now exactly 6:58. I parked my bike and went inside. I saw two men, one with a pocket pistol and the other one with a knife. He held the knife against Marcel's throat. Everyone else in the diner was in shock... I got such a fright that I dropped my bag and the whole diner plus the 2 men and Marcel immediately looked at me. With fear I stared at them. The two men took their focus away from me and yelled at Marcel ,"You better give back ALL the money you took from us! I knew what your plan was all along!" " Ha, you wish , I'm way smarter than you two idiots!"She yelled back. "I don't care what you have to say just give us our money back before the end of the week or this knife will go straight down your throat!" They threw her on the floor and walked out of the diner leaving a feel of confusion... Everyone stared at her in silence...she got up and ran out of the room. People started to talk about what just happened, while I just stood there and tried to take everything in. Questions popped in my head like ,What the hell just happed?!? ,Why Marcel? , Who were those guys??, What money are they talking about??, I was so confused! Everyone eventually calmed down but I was still shaking, while I worked. While I took a customer's order I wondered why those guys came in here , I'm mean what did Marcel do? I pushed all my thoughts away because I had to work. When I served my 5th customer it was now 10 pm, only one more hour left of work. I went to my boss Manny to ask him if he knew anything about what happened? "Manny,what the hel just happed here?" "I have no idea sweet Louise. But whatever it is, it must be something bad!"
"Yeah,I know but I'm going to go talk to her, but I don't know when." "Maybe next week Saturday because you obviously have school so you will be very busy." "Yeah,your right." It was now 10:50 pm. I got my bag and said goodbye to all the staff and my boss. I went outside to get on my bike but it wasn't there! Somebody stole it! "Are you kidding me!!" What else can go wrong I thought. I started walking because that was my only option. And no , I could not ride in a cab because I did not get enough tips today and I don't get my salary till next week Saturday. As I walked lots of cars past me and I saw other people walk on the other side of the road. It wasn't a very nice day , the sun wasn't shining and no birds were singing. It was a sad rainy day and the sky was full of dark clouds. As I walked I tripped over my own feet and fell in a wet, muddy water puddle. My work clothes were ruined! It was just the worst day ever!! I finally got at my home. I went inside and got something to eat. It was very late so my mother was already sleeping. When I finished my food I got up and took a quick shower and went to bed.
The next morning my alarm woke me up at 5:00 am , I don't know why? It was supposed to wake me up at 6:00 am. And when I'm awake , I'm awake and can't go back to sleep. So I got up walked to the kitchen and made me a cup of coffee. I thought about Marcel. I didn't know what to do. I thought about going to her home and talked to her or to call her. Cause I knew she wasn't coming back to work after what happened. After I finished my coffee I made myself some oatmeal. I saw that it was now 6:00 am and I had to get ready for work. I took a shower and washed my hair. I let my hair air dry and made a french braid . Then I put on my work clothes ,that I had to wash after what happened by the way. I brushed my teeth and put on my face cream. Lastly I put on my sneakers. I grabbed my bag and went to my old bicycle. I haven't used in years! But I had no choice since my motorbike was stolen. So I decided to go and talk with her. I got on my bicycle and went to her. While I drove I saw that it was now 6:30 so I still had some time to go to Marcel's home. When I got to her home I knocked on the door and waited for a response... Her aunt answered the door " What the hell do you want?!" Her aunt Jenny asked. She was a very weird person. Marcel lost both her parents when she was 14. Not a very good age for something like that to happen, especially with puberty. At that age teenagers are messed up trying to find themselves. So her aunt has been looking after her since. "Uhm, can I please speak to Marcel." "She's not here." "Ok, well can I maybe talk to you for just a minute." "Ugh, fine!" "Well, something happend yesterday. Two guys rushed into the diner , one had a knife and the other one a gun. They told her to pay back all the money she took. And I'm very confused,do you know anything about that?" " Why do you care?" "She's my best friend" " Well, if I should tell you. After her parents died she made some bad choices." "What bad choices?"...

Yeah!! Chapter 2 is finally published! Comment or vote if you like it.

Xox Teenbeach-girl

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