Chapter 3

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"Well, she started hanging out with the wrong people...she used drugs, she smoked and worked at strip clubs, not that she had to ,but because she wanted to. And worst of all she and her "friends" robbed the biggest bank in South Africa and got caught . But they had 5 min before the police caught them... so they had a chance to stole lots of money and before the police came they hid it in a place where no one could find it. She was suppose to be in jail for 16 years but she escaped after the 2 years, but her two friends, did not. She did not care about them... When she escaped she got on a plane and came to me in Pretoria where I live now. She told me everything and because I was the only family she had left I decided to not expose her. So at that time she was the most wanted person in South Africa. When all that happen she was in Cape Town." She said." Do you wanna know how much money they took?"she asked. I nodded. She whispered in my ear. "One million rand" "What!!!!!!"I yelled. " Yep, and now let me explain why those guys came in the diner, they were her "friends" . Before she got on the plane she went to that place where they hid the money. And when she got there she took EVERYTHING. And before they all got caught they promised that they would share the money after they got out of jail...but she knew she could escape and out smart them. And this all happened when she was 14!! And now 6 years later those guys are out because of good behavior, which is not right their suppose to be in jail for 16 years but whatever...and they found her I don't know how but they did. So you know. I stared at her in shock. I can't believe it , my Marcel like that no way!! It's just all so wrong. "I can't believe it. "My Marcel. This is crazy! We're do you think she went?" I asked. "I don't know... maybe on a plane." She said. I was just about to answer when I heard someone open the door...Guess who came in... Marcel!! "Hi Louise.." she said. "Hi Marcel..." "You probably know everything now , right?" She said "Yeah.." I said. " Well than I don't have much to tell you." She said "Marcel I, I think you should give the money back. "I said nervously. "To who! Theirs no way I'm giving it to those guys! They will kill me anyway!" "No , to the bank... you need to clear your name." I said "That's not going to work!! They will still arrest me!! And I used some of that money. I used 10 000 rand"She yelled. " Just give them the rest of the money back. And I think you should go back to jail, sorry but you deserve it. You've done so wrong in your life . You can't keep running away. You have to face the consequences." I said. "I know, I guess your right. I just don't wanna go back there, it's not a nice place." She said with tears in her eyes. " Come, let's just go give that money back, pal" I said. She was still my best friend I wasn't going to judge her. No one's perfect. She had a tough life. She gave me a sad smile and we left. Her aunt drove us to the police station. The tears were dripping down from her face. I felt bad, but I was proud of her for listening to me and doing the right thing. I patted her on the shoulder and said . "Your doing the right thing, and I'm very proud of you!" I said. She shook her head and gave me small smile. I saw that it was now 7 am I still had one hour before I had to go to work. When we got there she took the money , that she put in a bag earlier btw. We got out of the car and went inside. I could see her hands were shaking like crazy! We went to one of the officers that I knew very well. I walked up to him and said. " Hello officer Clark... can I please talk to you in private?" Marcel and her Aunt was standing a few feet away from me. " "Hello my lovely Louise, sure anything for you. Let's go to my office." "I have someone her and you probably know who she is..." I said. " Ok well who is it?" He asked. " Marcel Green, the most wanted person in South Africa..." I said nervously "What!!! She's here!! How??" He yelled. "She's here to return the money she stole." I said . "I have to go get security!!!" He yelled. "No! Wait! She's doing the right thing, just give her a chance then you can arrest her!" I pleated. " But, but, she,she's..." He stammered. " Please..." I said desperately. " But... fine bring her in." He said while he made himself look tough. "Thank you!!" I said with relief. I went outside and called Marcel. She slowly stood up and walked to me. I told her everything would be okay. She nodded and we walked to Clark's office. When we came in he looked at her in shock. She did not look at him she just stared at her shoes. "Miss Green, odd seeing you here." He said. " Yes, I'm here to give back some of the money me and my friends stole a few years ago and I'm gonna pay back all the money I used, somehow..." she said. "Well,Miss Green I'm impressed ,but we can't let you go that easy." He said strictly. " Yes I know I will have to face the consequences."she said. "Yes, but with good behavior you could get out sooner!" He said. "Yeah,your right officer."she said. "Don't worry we will take good care of you, and I will make sure they do." He said with a friendly smile. "Thank you officer." She said. "It's time to go Miss" He said . "Ok, bye Louise, thank you for still being my friend after everything." She said. " I will miss you so much,don't worry I'll see you soon. Goodbye." I said with tears in my eyes. I gave her hug and she quickly went to say goodbye to her aunt. And then they left. Her aunt said that she would drop me off at work. The drive to the diner was long and quiet. When we got their it was now 8:30 am, I was late, but Manny would understand. I said goodbye and went inside. "Hi Manny,sorry I'm late I had a situation, can I please talk to you?" I asked. "Sure let's go to my office." He said. "Well, I talked to Marcel's aunt and she told me everything." I said. "Really..." He said. "Yes now let me tell you. When she was 14 she lost her parents. After that happened she started to use drugs, she smoked and worked at strip clubs but not that she had to but was because she wanted to! Then she and her two "friends" robbed the biggest bank in South Africa! Before they got caught they stole 1 million rand! They hid it in a place where no one could find it. Then they got caught and were arrested. After 2 years she escaped. But she left her friends behind, she did not care about them. Then...she went to that place and took ALL the money for herself she did not leave a cent. Then she got on a plane and came to her aunt here in Pretoria. And because her aunt was her only family her aunt decided not to expose her. So that's why those guys came in here, that was her friends . They got out after 6 years because of good behavior .And while me and her aunt talked Marcel came in and I told her that I think she sould give back the money and go back to jail because she has to face the consequences. Then she agreed and I got Clark the police officer to listen to her. She gave the money back and said that she would pay the rest back . Lastly I said goodbye. I wasn't going to judge her , she's still my best friend and I'm going to miss her a lot! I said. "Wow, that's a lot. I don't know what to say, but your a very good friend Louise. I'm so proud of you. She did the right thing, but I'm also going to miss her." He said. "Well, I have to get back to work."

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