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"You killed my brother!" Alpha Jason Evans yelled, slamming his fist onto the oak wood desk, causing it to crack into two under the sheer pressure and force of his fist. His green eyes glinted as they slowly turned darker, his wolf fighting to come out. He could not stand this another second. Not the death of his own. His straggly brown hair fell into his eyes and he impatiently pushed it back. They were doing just fine, but then they had started attacking one another for no reason at all, and he could not tolerate this. They were meant to be a part of a team, helping to keep the supernatural kind in order, not quarreling like a bunch of teenagers which was exactly what they had been doing for the past three hours. he felt his form shaking but the slight touch of his mate calmed him down. He turned to her and smiled before turning his attention back to the other representatives.

"I don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about" a pale faced man smirked, leaning back in his chair and yawning. This was a fake act of course as vampires didn't yawn. Jason contemplated his chances of reaching over and twisting the bloodsucker's neck and then making a run for it. he reckoned he was fast enough and could give it a shot... He would be doing everyone a favor. Damon Accent had been getting on everyone's last dying nerves, acting like everything was a joke, which it probably was to him.

Damon smirked and leaned back in his chair rocking slightly. the chair was actually really comfy and he wouldn't mind sitting here for another few hours just irritating the hell out of everyone. He actually found it kind of fun just watching Jason practically burn inside with his werewolf temper. Tut tut... he really should keep that in control. It was probably his anger that had got the better of him when he killed Damon's uncle. He felt his blood boil at the mention of it. How could he? He had actually thought that him and Jason were good friends, that they'd always have each other's backs. He guessed people were right when they said that "Friends always stab you in the back". Because he had trusted that disgusting dog too much and that had allowed him to kill the only family he had. His uncle had taken him in at the age of five when his parents had disappeared and raised him ever since. He had taught him everything he knew. He combed a hand through his raven black hair as his red eyes glinted maliciously. He would make Jason pay...

Alissa Thorny , representative of the fairies, stared across the room and shook her head at the scene in front of her. Damon should really know better than to provoke Jason when he was angry. This could all end in bloodshed not that Damon would mind, he always preferred war she supposed. Glancing around she sighed once more at the chaos around her. Everyone was yelling at each other. Different species that had once mingled together with ease now argued over every little thing. She supposed it was all of their faults really. She looked to the side to see Moona Sparx glaring at her. Alissa glared back as hate flashed across her face. she had destroyed their ritual fairy circle, burning the whole thing to the ground and now the fairies were left homeless. They would have to find another means of shelter elsewhere. But of course that selfish little warlock didn't care. She just wanted all the magic to herself Alissa mused, placing a had under her chin, her golden locks tumbling down in curls. She wondered how long this conference must go on, it wasn't as if they were discussing anything. She leaned back and closed her bright violet eyes.

Moona, representative of the warlocks, glared daggers at Alissa. If looks could kill, Alissa would be 6ft under the ground by now but sadly it didn't work that way. She flicked her pin - straight brown hair back and narrowed her bright blue eyes. She wished that none of this had happened but that pathetic little thing just ruined it all. What was the need for her to mess up all of her potions, creating an explosion that left many of the warlocks fighting for their lives. They had been the best of friends and now they were little less than the worst of foes.This upset her a bit as she thought that they made a great team when they were together. They hadn't cared about the fact that they were different and had had many fun times together as children, running away from their mothers when they told them it was bath time. But sadly it wasn't meant to be.

As the four representatives just sat and glared at each other something happened. Something in the atmosphere changed and it was just too much to handle. The werewolves shifted and started clawing at the vampires throats. The vampires started sucking the blood out of the wolves. The fairies wands were released and spells were cast everywhere as warlocks fought back, fingers sparking and glittering. This would never work. They would never be able to be one family again. These recent events had spoiled everything for them and they could never fix that.

"This treaty is over!" Alissa yelled at Moona, slapping her hard across the face before gathering her remaining followers and storming out the back door.

"Fine be that way" Moona yelled at Alissa's retreating back and exited the hall, nearly breaking the grand front door as the warlocks followed.

"You're dead" Damon sneered in Jason's face, smashing through the sun-blocking windows, leaving Jason in the hall alone.

"Not if I kill you first" he muttered, before starting to account the bodies of his pack.

The celestial court had been broken, leaving the supernatural world in a type of danger they couldn't have ever imagined. And it was up to the future generations to fix the mess that their elders left...

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