Her name is...Miss Murder

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In the dark, bare concrete room blood stained every part of that earth bound hell hole.  the horrible crunching sound of her skull being shattered ever so slowly was unbearable. she screamed in agony as The Man In White a.k.a. T.M.I.W. looked upon her bleeding weak body with a glassy expression. blood streamed down her face and stained her undone hugging jacket, a.k.a. straight-jacket in a constant stream, making everything in sight a bright red. she rattled her chains as she tried to doge his blows, he swung the solid metal black baseball bat at her body once more. the man in his once nice white clean uniform, now stained red with her blood sighed and looked up at her face as she just stared at the ground blank faced. he grabbed something out of his well-worn brown briefcase and smiled a evil, demented smile as he took a metal ring with screws pointing towards the inside, she knew what that was, her "halo". T.M.I.W. placed on her head and screwed the cold, metal ring into her head, she screamed once more knowing no one else would hear. the cold crunch of more skull breaking was loud and echoing, more blood flowed down her face until all she could see was darker red.  her head throbbed with immense pain and she slowly blacked out but not before hearing T.M.I.W.'s musical voice say in his somewhat Irish sounding voice

"go to bed now, it will all be over in the mornin.  don't worry 80088080008888"

she hated her code. her eyes fluttered awake and she groaned quietly as the pain hit her like a train. shes had worse.  CLANK!, she turned around swiftly. and looked around her, trying to find the source of the sound, at least she knew were she was. in the mini hospital The Man In White had, she was always brought here after blacking out from an experiment or a beating. she heard small footsteps emerge from behind the curtain that separates the beds.

{ah, the doctor. i wonder who it is this time...} she though to herself

a young, timid woman walked out and held the broken glass fragments of what used to be a vial of some kind of medicine. her light orange hair brushed past her back in a high ponytail, she walked to the trash can to discard the broken glass pieces and looked at 80088080008888 with a kind, shy face and inquired

"do your straps hurt?" as the doctor pointed to the thick, hard, leather straps that held her to the bed.

she nodded.

"ok ill adjust them, dearie. and can i call you stitch?" she asked as she loosened the straps. "you sure have had a bunch of stitches judging by your scars..."

she nodded, {wow now i understand why T.M.I.W. used to only hire men doctors, they usually aren't this chatty.... but its nice to meet another female. i haven't seen one in forever...I'm now going to call myself stitch!!}

many more thoughts passed through her mind. as the doctor kept up the useless chatter. she looked to the side of her and saw the huge dent in the wall, stitch smiled faintly as she remembered the reason she always got a new doctor every time she came here. blood. yes, blood was enough. many doctors are terrified of her. when in the sight of enough pain, blood, or anger she changes from a blank, sweet faced young girl into the insane, mad, and twisted trance like smile or a hating, devilish killer. stitch looked down at her always undone straitjacket and saw her info code, her name. but not anymore, she wanted to be called stitch now.

"here you go darling, something to numb the pain..." the doctor said in a strong english accent as she interrupted stitches thoughts 

the vile purple green colored liquid in the syringe seemed strange. stitch flinched as the doctor tried to jab the needle into her chest.  she started giggling eerily as she stared at the ground at the gleaming needle, she looked up her hair covering her face but one eye. staring deathly at the doctor she giggled more and more. her giggling grew louder and louder as she thought of all the needles that have been pierced though her skin and struggled harshly as she tried to free herself from her leather straps. the straps soon started to give away. 

"NO!!!!!! S-STOP IT!!!!!" the doctor screamed in fear, she stabbed stitch with the needle and injected the serum into her bloodstream.

stitches giggling slowly ceased as her head became foggy and she fell into an empty sleep. when she woke she felt the cold hard feel of the cuffs that attach her to her chains. how many days has she been asleep? she didn't know. as she looked around her blood stained cell everything seemed normal and empty. but something was off, she knew it. but what? and why did that doctor seem sort of....recognisable to her?

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